Source code for gammaALPs.bfields.jet

# --- Imports --------------------- #
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import numpy as np
import scipy.special as special
import logging
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline as USpline
from astropy import units as u
from scipy.special import jv
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# === B field of AGN jet assuming a power-law toroidal field #
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[docs] class Bjet(object): """Class to calculate magnetic field in AGN Jet assuming a toroidal field"""
[docs] def __init__(self, B0, r0, alpha): """ Initialize the class Parameters ---------- B0: float B field strength in G r0: float radius where B field is equal to B0 in pc alpha: float power-law index of distance dependence of B field """ self._B0 = B0 self._r0 = r0 self._alpha = alpha return
@property def B0(self): return self._B0 @property def r0(self): return self._r0 @property def alpha(self): return self._alpha @B0.setter def B0(self, B0): if type(B0) == u.Quantity: self._B0 ='G').value else: self._B0 = B0 return @r0.setter def r0(self,r0): if type(r0) == u.Quantity: self._r0 = r0 .to('pc').value else: self._r0 = r0 return @alpha.setter def alpha(self, alpha): self._alpha = alpha return
[docs] def new_Bn(self, z, psi=np.pi / 4.): """ Calculate the magnetic field as function of distance Parameters ---------- z: array-like n-dim array with distance from r0 in pc psi: float angle between transversal magnetic field and x2 direction. Default: pi/4 Returns ------- B, Psi: tuple with :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` N-dim array with field strength along line of sight N-dim array with psi angles between photon polarization states and jet B field """ B = self._B0 * np.power(z / self._r0, self._alpha) psi = np.ones(B.shape[0]) * psi return B, psi
[docs] @staticmethod def transversal_component_helical(B0, phi, theta_jet=3., theta_obs=0.): """ compute Jet magnetic field along line of sight that forms observation angle theta_obs with jet axis. Model assumes the helical jet structure of Clausen-Brown, E., Lyutikov, M., and Kharb, P. (2011); arXiv:1101.5149 Parameters ----------- B0: array-like N-dim array with magnetic field strength along jet axis phi: float phi angle in degrees along which photons propagate along jet (in cylindrical jet geometry) theta_jet: float jet opening angle in degrees theta_obs: float angle between jet axis and line of sight in degrees Returns ------- Btrans, Psi: tuple with :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` N-dim array with field strength along line of sight N-dim array with psi angles between photon polarization states and jet B field """ # Calculate normalized rho component, i.e. distance # from line of sight to jet axis assuming a self similar jet p, tj, to = np.radians(phi), np.radians(theta_jet), np.radians(theta_obs) rho_n = np.tan(to) / np.tan(tj) k = 2.405 # pinch, set so that Bz = 0 at jet boundary # compute bessel functions, see Clausen-Brown Eq. 2 j0 = jv(0., rho_n * k) j1 = jv(1., rho_n * k) # B-field along l.o.s. Bn = np.cos(to) * j0 - np.sin(p)*np.sin(to) * j1 # B-field transversal to l.o.s. Bt = np.cos(p) * j1 Bu = -(np.cos(to) * np.sin(p) * j1 + np.sin(to) * j0) Btrans = B0 * np.sqrt(Bt**2. + Bu**2.) # Abs value of transverse component in all domains Psin = np.arctan2(B0*Bt,B0*Bu) # arctan2 selects the right quadrant return Btrans, Psin
[docs] class BjetHelicalTangled(object): """ Class to calculate magnetic field in AGN Jet assuming a two component field: 1. A helical component transforming from poloidal to toroidal 2. A tangled component """
[docs] def __init__(self, ft, r_T, Bt_exp, B0, r0, gmax, gmin, rvhe, rjet, alpha, l_tcor, jwf, jwf_dist, tseed, rem): """ Initialize the class Parameters ---------- ft: float fraction of magnetic field energy density in tangled field r_T: float radius at which helical field becomes toroidal in pc Bt_exp: float exponent of the transverse component of the helical field at r<=r_T. i.e. sin(pitch angle) ~ r^Bt_exp while r<r_T and pitch angle = pi/2 at r=r_T B0: float B-field strength in G r0: float radius where B field is equal to b0 in pc gmax: float jet lorenz factor at rvhe gmin: float jet lorenz factor at rjet rvhe: float distance of gamma-ray emission region from BH in pc rjet: float jet length in pc rem: float distance of gamma-ray emission region from BH if different from large-scale jet transition region alpha: float power-law index of electron energy distribution function l_tcor: float tangled field coherence average length in pc jwf: float jet width factor used when calculating l_tcor = jwf*jetwidth jwf_dist: string type of distribution for jet width factors (jwf) when calculating l_tcor = jwf*jetwidth tseed: float seed for random tangled domains """ self._ft = ft self._r_T = r_T self._Bt_exp = Bt_exp self._B0 = B0 self._r0 = r0 self._gmax = gmax self._gmin = gmin self._rvhe = rvhe self._rjet = rjet self._rem = rem self._alpha = alpha self._l_tcor = l_tcor self._jwf = jwf self._jwf_dist = jwf_dist self._tseed = tseed self._tthes = None self._tphis = None self._trerun = None self._newbounds = None self._logger = logging.getLogger("gamma_alps") return
@property def ft(self): return self._ft @property def r_T(self): return self._r_T @property def Bt_exp(self): return self._Bt_exp @property def B0(self): return self._B0 @property def r0(self): return self._r0 @property def gmax(self): return self._gmax @property def gmin(self): return self._gmin @property def rvhe(self): return self._rvhe @property def rjet(self): return self._rjet @property def rem(self): return self._rem @property def alpha(self): return self._alpha @property def l_tcor(self): return self._l_tcor @property def jwf(self): return self._jwf @property def jwf_dist(self): return self._jwf_dist @property def tseed(self): return self._tseed @property def tthes(self): return self._tthes @property def tphis(self): return self._tphis @property def trerun(self): return self._trerun @property def newbounds(self): return self._newbounds @property def tdoms(self): return self._tdoms @ft.setter def ft(self, ft): self._ft = ft return @r_T.setter def r_T(self,r_T): if type(r_T) == u.Quantity: self._r_T = r_T .to('pc').value else: self._r_T = r_T return @Bt_exp.setter def Bt_exp(self, Bt_exp): self._Bt_exp = Bt_exp return @B0.setter def B0(self, B0): if type(B0) == u.Quantity: self._B0 ='G').value else: self._B0 = B0 return @r0.setter def r0(self,r0): if type(r0) == u.Quantity: self._r0 = r0 .to('pc').value else: self._r0 = r0 return @gmax.setter def gmax(self, gmax): self._gmax = gmax return @gmin.setter def gmin(self, gmin): self._gmin = gmin return @rvhe.setter def rvhe(self, rvhe): if type(rvhe) == u.Quantity: self._rvhe = rvhe .to('pc').value else: self._rvhe = rvhe return @rjet.setter def rjet(self,rjet): if type(rjet) == u.Quantity: self._rjet = rjet .to('pc').value else: self._rjet = rjet return @rem.setter def rem(self,rem): if type(rem) == u.Quantity: self._rem = rem .to('pc').value else: self._rem = rem return @alpha.setter def alpha(self, alpha): self._alpha = alpha return @l_tcor.setter def l_tcor(self,l_tcor): if type(l_tcor) == u.Quantity: self._l_tcor = l_tcor .to('pc').value else: self._l_tcor = l_tcor return @jwf.setter def jwf(self, jwf): self._jwf = jwf return @jwf_dist.setter def jwf_dist(self, jwf_dist): self._jwf_dist = jwf_dist return @tseed.setter def tseed(self, tseed): self._tseed = tseed return
[docs] def jet_bfield_scaled_old(self,rs,r0,b0): """ Function to get jet B-field strength. Shape of function (defined by the constants) from PC Jet model, scaled to r0 and B0. """ xs=rs tr1 = np.log10((0.104778867386/0.3)*r0) tr2 = np.log10((0.763434306576/0.3)*r0) tt1 = np.log10((0.0656583839948/0.3)*r0) tt2 = np.log10((0.312675309121/0.3)*r0) sc1 = 1.35770127215 sc2 = 2.9067727141 st1 = 1.32933857554 st2 = 9.99999939106 f = 0.815193652746 bs = 0.06*(xs/r0)**-0.85 bps = 1.2*(xs/r0)**-0.68 btr = .75*(xs/r0)**-3. * (xs>=(0.27/0.3)*r0) + ((xs<=(0.27/0.3)*r0)*bps*f) b_erftr = 0.5*special.erfc(-st1*(np.log10(xs)-tt1))*btr*0.5*special.erfc(st2*(np.log10(xs)-tt2)) b_erfcs = 0.5*special.erfc(sc1*(np.log10(xs)-tr1))*bps + b_erftr + 0.5*special.erfc(-sc2*(np.log10(xs)-tr2))*bs b_erfcs *= (b0/0.8) return b_erfcs
[docs] def jet_bfield_scaled(self,rs,rvhe,r0,b0): """ Function to get jet B-field strength. The function is an analytic approximation, defined by the constants, to the shape of the B-field vs. r from PC Jet model, scaled to rvhe. Strength scaled to r0 and B0. """ xs=rs tr1 = np.log10((0.104778867386/0.3)*rvhe) tr2 = np.log10((0.763434306576/0.3)*rvhe) tt1 = np.log10((0.0656583839948/0.3)*rvhe) tt2 = np.log10((0.312675309121/0.3)*rvhe) sc1 = 1.35770127215 sc2 = 2.9067727141 st1 = 1.32933857554 st2 = 9.99999939106 f = 0.815193652746 bs = 0.06*(xs/rvhe)**-0.85 bps = 1.2*(xs/rvhe)**-0.68 btr = .75*(xs/rvhe)**-3. * (xs>=(0.27/0.3)*rvhe) + ((xs<=(0.27/0.3)*rvhe)*bps*f) b_erftr = 0.5*special.erfc(-st1*(np.log10(xs)-tt1))*btr*0.5*special.erfc(st2*(np.log10(xs)-tt2)) b_erfcs = 0.5*special.erfc(sc1*(np.log10(xs)-tr1))*bps + b_erftr + 0.5*special.erfc(-sc2*(np.log10(xs)-tr2))*bs #find b_erfcs(r_0) to find scaling factor to make it b0 interp = USpline(xs,b_erfcs,k=1,s=0) ber_r0 = interp(r0) b_erfcs *= (b0/ber_r0) return b_erfcs
[docs] def jet_gammas_scaled(self,rs,r0,g0,rjet): """ Function to get jet lorentz factors. The shape of the gammas vs. r from PC Jet model, scaled to r0, g0 and rjet. Jet accelerates in the parabolic base (up to rvhe), then logarithmically decelerates in the conical jet. """ gxs = rs gz = 4. * (g0/9.) gmx = 9. * (g0/9.) gmn = 2. * (g0/9.) xcon = 0.3 * (r0/0.3) L = 3206.3 * (rjet/3206.3) g1 = (gz + ((gmx - gz)/(xcon**(1-0.68)))* gxs**(1-0.68)) * (gxs<xcon) g2 = (gmx - ((gmx-gmn)/np.log10(L/xcon))*np.log10(gxs/xcon)) * (gxs>=xcon) return g1+g2
[docs] def jet_gammas_scaled_gg(self,rs, rvhe, rjet, gmin, gmax): """ Function to get jet lorentz factors. The shape of the gammas vs. r from PC Jet model, scaled to r0, gmin, gmax and rjet. Jet accelerates in the parabolic base (up to rvhe), then logarithmically decelerates in the conical jet. """ gxs = rs gz = 4. * (gmax / 9.) gmx = 9. * (gmax / 9.) gmn = 2. * (gmin / 2.) xcon = 0.3 * (rvhe / 0.3) L = 3206.3 * (rjet / 3206.3) g1 = (gz + ((gmx - gz) / (xcon ** (1. - 0.68))) * gxs**(1. - 0.68)) * (gxs < xcon) g2 = (gmx - ((gmx - gmn) / np.log10(L / xcon)) * np.log10(gxs / xcon)) * (gxs >= xcon) return g1 + g2
[docs] def get_jet_props_gen(self, z, tdoms_done=False): """ Calculate the magnetic field as function of distance in the jet frame Parameters ---------- z: array-like n-dim array with distance from BH in pc Returns ------- B, Psi: tuple with :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` N-dim array with field strength in G along line of sight N-dim array with psi angles between photon polarization states and jet B field """ # t1 = time.time() # get Bs from PC shape function if self._rem: self._rfrom = self._rem else: self._rfrom = self._rvhe # Bs = self.jet_bfield_scaled(z,self._rvhe,self._r0,self._B0) # r0 and rvhe in pc, b0 in G gammas = self.jet_gammas_scaled_gg(z,self._rvhe,self._rjet,self._gmin,self._gmax) theta_m1_interp = USpline(np.log10(z),gammas) p = lambda r,rsw,c,a: c*(rsw+r)**a con = lambda r,rvhe,the: np.tan(the)*(r-rvhe) rsw = 1.e-5 * self._rvhe C = 1.49*rsw**0.42 A = 0.58 jw_func = lambda rs,rvh,theta: p(rs, rsw, C, A)*(rs<=rvh) + (p(rvh, rsw, C, A) + con(rs, rvh, theta))*(rs>rvh) self._widths = jw_func(z,self._rvhe,1./gammas) self._width_rvhe = jw_func(self._rvhe,self._rvhe,1./gammas) Bs_not_smooth = self.jet_bfield_scaled(z,self._rvhe,self._r0,self._B0)*(z<=self._rvhe) + \ self._B0 * (jw_func(self._r0,self._rvhe,1./gammas)/self._widths) * (self._gmax/gammas)**2 * (z>self._rvhe) # smoothing is done with a spline interpolation # linking B(r < (1-smfl)r_vhe) and B(r > (1+smfu)r_vhe) smfl = 0.03 # lower smoothing fraction smfu = 0. # upper smoothing fraction (=0 to make B(r_vhe) the input value) mask = (np.log10(z)<(1.-smfl)*np.log10(self._rvhe)) | (np.log10(z)>(1.+smfu)*np.log10(self._rvhe)) xs = z[mask] # zs to include in smoother ys = Bs_not_smooth[mask] # Bs to include in smoother Bs_smoother = USpline(np.log10(xs),np.log10(ys),k=2,s=0) Bs = 10.**Bs_smoother(np.log10(z)) if not tdoms_done: # t2 = time.time() if self._ft > 0 and self._l_tcor != 'jetdom' and self._l_tcor != 'jetwidth': # tangled domains d = z[0] self._tdoms=[] tdom_seeds = np.arange(6007+self._tseed,6007+(2*len(z))+self._tseed,1) np.random.seed(tdom_seeds) while d <= z[-1]: self._tdoms.append(d) d += np.random.uniform(self._l_tcor/20.,self._l_tcor*20.) self._tdoms = np.array(self._tdoms) elif self._l_tcor == 'jetwidth': #self._ft > 0 and #self._tdoms=[self._rvhe] self._tdoms=[self._rfrom] jwf_seeds = np.arange(4000+self._tseed,4000+1000+self._tseed,1) np.random.seed(jwf_seeds) while self._tdoms[-1]<= z[-1]: # tdoms in pc here if self._jwf_dist == 'Uniform': self._jwf = np.random.uniform(0.1,1.) elif self._jwf_dist == 'Normal': jwft = 0. while jwft<0.1 or jwft>1.: self._jwf = np.random.normal(0.55,0.15) jwft = self._jwf elif self._jwf_dist == 'Triangular Rise': self._jwf = np.random.triangular(0.1,1.,1.) elif self._jwf_dist == 'Triangular Lower': self._jwf = np.random.triangular(0.1,0.1,1.) theta = 1./theta_m1_interp(np.log10(self._tdoms[-1])) #self._tdoms.append(self._tdoms[-1] + self._jwf*(p(self._rvhe, rsw, C, A) # + con(self._tdoms[-1], self._rvhe, theta))) # doms length is jetwidth self._tdoms.append(self._tdoms[-1] + self._jwf*jw_func(self._tdoms[-1],self._rvhe,theta)) self._tdoms = np.array(self._tdoms) if len(self._tdoms)-1 > len(z) or min(np.diff(z))>min(np.diff(self._tdoms)): self._logger.warning("Not resolving tangled field: min z step is {}" "pc but min tangled length is {} pc".format( min(np.diff(z)),min(np.diff(self._tdoms)))) self._logger.warning("# of z doms is {} but # tangled doms is {}".format(len(z), len(self._tdoms))) self._trerun = True if len(self._tdoms)-1 > len(z):"rerunning with r = tdoms") return self.get_jet_props_gen(np.sqrt(self._tdoms[1:] * self._tdoms[:-1]), tdoms_done=True) else: self._newbounds = self._tdoms while len(self._newbounds) <= 400: btwn = (self._newbounds[1:] + self._newbounds[:-1])/2. self._newbounds = np.sort(np.concatenate((self._newbounds, btwn)))"rerunning with {} domains. new min z step is {} pc".format( len(self._newbounds), min(np.diff(self._newbounds)))) return self.get_jet_props_gen(np.sqrt(self._newbounds[1:] * self._newbounds[:-1]), tdoms_done=True) else: self._tdoms = z # set up tangled field angles tthe_seeds = np.arange(0+self._tseed,len(self._tdoms)+self._tseed,1) tphi_seeds = np.arange(1007+self._tseed,1007+len(self._tdoms)+self._tseed,1) np.random.seed(tthe_seeds) self._tthes = np.random.random(size=len(self._tdoms))*np.pi/2. np.random.seed(tphi_seeds) self._tphis = np.random.random(size=len(self._tdoms))*2.*np.pi BTs, phis = [], [] # t4 = time.time() BhelrT = Bs[np.argmin([abs(ll-self._r_T) for ll in z])] * np.sqrt(1. - self._ft) for i, l in enumerate(z): # if i == int(len(z)/2): # t6 = time.time() B = Bs[i] # Gauss B_tang = B * np.sqrt(self._ft) B_hel = B * np.sqrt(1. - self._ft) h_phi = np.pi/2. #just align helix phi with one axis, why not? if l <= self._r_T: #Set section size # B_hel *= BhelrT*(l/self._r_T)**(self._Bt_exp + 1.) #make B_hel go like Bt_exp (make 1 '-a') fact = (BhelrT*(l/self._r_T)**(self._Bt_exp))/B_hel B_hel *= np.where(fact>1.,1.,fact) # if i == int(len(z)/2): # t7 = time.time() # tangled field angles if self._ft > 0. and len(z) != len(self._tdoms)-1: # could probably be faster t_phi = self._tphis[np.argmin([l-tl for tl in self._tdoms if l>=tl])] t_the = self._tthes[np.argmin([l-tl for tl in self._tdoms if l>=tl])] elif self._l_tcor == 'jetwidth' and len(z)!=len(self._tdoms)-1: #could probably be faster t_phi = self._tphis[np.argmin([l-tl for tl in self._tdoms if l>=tl])] t_the = self._tthes[np.argmin([l-tl for tl in self._tdoms if l>=tl])] else: t_phi = self._tphis[i] t_the = self._tthes[i] # if i == int(len(z)/2): # t8 = time.time() # print("getting tangled angles for 1 domain out of {} took {}s".format(len(z),t8-t7)) h_phi = np.pi/2. h_the = np.pi/2. # in r-05 section theta is included in B_fact term ^ otherwise = pi/2 by def B_tang_t = B_tang * np.sin(t_the) B_hel_t = B_hel * np.sin(h_the) Bt_x = np.sqrt((B_hel_t*np.cos(h_phi))**2 + (B_tang_t*np.cos(t_phi))**2) Bt_y = np.sqrt((B_hel_t*np.sin(h_phi))**2 + (B_tang_t*np.sin(t_phi))**2) phi = np.arctan(Bt_y/Bt_x) Bt = np.sqrt(Bt_x**2 + Bt_y**2) BTs.append(Bt) phis.append(phi) # if i == int(len(z)/2): # t9 = time.time() # print("total BT for 1 domain out of {} took {}s".format(len(z),t9-t6)) # if abs(l - 1.) <= 1.e-2: # print("BT at around 1 pc: {} pc {} G".format(l,Bt)) # t5 = time.time() # print("Calculating BTs took {}s".format(t5-t4)) # print("this run through the get_jet_props function took {}s".format(t5-t1)) return np.array(BTs), np.array(phis)