Source code for gammaALPs.base.environs

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import numpy as np
import logging
from . import transfer as trans
from ..bfields import cell, gauss, gmf, jet, struc
from ..nel import icm
from ..nel import jet as njet
from ..utils import trafo
from astropy import units as u
from astropy import constants as c
from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM
from ebltable.tau_from_model import OptDepth
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline as USpline
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline as RBSpline

[docs] class MixIGMFCell(trans.GammaALPTransfer):
[docs] def __init__(self, alp, source, **kwargs): """ Initialize mixing in the intergalactic magnetic field (IGMF). Parameters ---------- alp: :py:class:`~gammaALPs.ALP` :py:class:`~gammaALPs.ALP` object with ALP parameters source: :py:class:`~gammaALPs.Source` :py:class:`~gammaALPs.Source` object with source parameters EGeV: array-like Gamma-ray energies in GeV dL: array-like Domain lengths. If not given, they will be automatically generated. restore: str or None if str, identifier for files to restore environment. If None, initialize mixing with new B field restore_path: str full path to environment files B0: float IGMF at z = 0 in muG L0: float Coherence length at z = 0 in kpc n0: float electron density of intergalactic medium at z=0 in cm^-3 chi: `~scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline` Spline function in (E [GeV], z) giving values of photon-photon dispersion chi at redshift z. eblmodel: string name of the used EBL model (default: Dominguez et al. 2011 Model) cosmo: `~astropy.cosmology.core.FlatLambdaCDM` chosen cosmology, default is H0 = 70, Om0 = 0.3 nsim: int number of B field realizations """ kwargs.setdefault('EGeV', np.logspace(0., 4., 100)) kwargs.setdefault('restore', None) kwargs.setdefault('restore_path', './') kwargs.setdefault('B0', 1.e-3) kwargs.setdefault('L0', 1.e3) kwargs.setdefault('n0', 1.e-7) kwargs.setdefault('nsim', 1) kwargs.setdefault('dL', None) kwargs.setdefault('chi', None) kwargs.setdefault('cosmo',FlatLambdaCDM(H0 = 70., Om0 = 0.3)) kwargs.setdefault('eblmodel', 'dominguez') kwargs.setdefault('seed', None) logger = logging.getLogger('gamma_alps') self._source = source self._t = OptDepth.readmodel(model=kwargs['eblmodel']) self._cosmo = kwargs['cosmo'] if kwargs['restore'] is None: self._Bfield_model = cell.Bcell(kwargs['B0'], kwargs['L0'], seed=kwargs['seed']) B, psi, dL, self._z_step = self._Bfield_model.new_Bcosmo(self._source.z, cosmo=kwargs['cosmo'], nsim=kwargs['nsim']) if kwargs['dL'] is not None: if isinstance(kwargs['dL'], list) or isinstance(kwargs['dL'], np.ndarray): dL = kwargs['dL'] else: raise TypeError("dL kwarg must be list or numpy.ndarray") self._z_mean = self._z_step[:-1] self._nel = kwargs['n0'] * (1. + self._z_mean) ** 3. dt = self._t.opt_depth(self._z_step[1:], kwargs['EGeV'] / 1.e3) - \ self._t.opt_depth(self._z_step[:-1], kwargs['EGeV'] / 1.e3) # absorption rate in kpc^-1 Gamma = dt.T / dL if type(kwargs['chi'])==RBSpline: Chi = kwargs['chi'](kwargs['EGeV'], self._z_mean)"Using interpolated chi") elif kwargs['chi'] is not None:"Using inputted chi") Chi = kwargs['chi'] else: # energy density of the CMB ~ (1+z)^4 Chi = trans.chiCMB * (1. + self._z_mean) ** 4. # init the transfer function with absorption super(MixIGMFCell, self).__init__(kwargs['EGeV'], B, psi, self._nel, dL, alp, Gamma=Gamma, chi=Chi, Delta=None) self._ee *= (1. + self._z_mean) # transform energies to comoving frame else: dL, self._z_step = trafo.cosmo_cohlength(self._source.z, kwargs['L0'] * u.kpc, cosmo=self._cosmo) tra = super(MixIGMFCell, self).read_environ( kwargs['restore'], alp, filepath=kwargs['restore_path'], ) super(MixIGMFCell, self).__init__(tra.EGeV, tra.B, tra.psin, tra.nel, tra.dL, tra.alp, Gamma=tra.Gamma, chi=tra.chi, Delta=tra.Delta)
@property def t(self): return self._t @property def Bfield_model(self): return self._Bfield_model @property def nel_model(self): return self._nel
[docs] class MixICMCell(trans.GammaALPTransfer):
[docs] def __init__(self, alp, **kwargs): """ Initialize mixing in the intracluster magnetic field, assuming that it follows a domain-like structure. Parameters ---------- alp: :py:class:`~gammaALPs.ALP` :py:class:`~gammaALPs.ALP` object with ALP parameters EGeV: array-like Gamma-ray energies in GeV restore: str or None if str, identifier for files to restore environment. If None, initialize mixing with new B field restore_path: str full path to environment files rbounds: array-like bin bounds for steps along line of sight in kpc, default: linear range between 0. and r_abell with L0 as step size B0: float ICM at r = 0 in muG L0: float Coherence length in kpc nsim: int number of B field realizations r_abell: float Abell radius of cluster (radius until which oscillation probability is computed) ICM kwargs: n0: float electron density in cm**-3 (default 1e-3) r_core: float core radius in kpc (default 10.) beta: float exponent of density profile (default: 1.) eta: float exponent for scaling of B field with electron density (default = 2./3.) n2: float if > 0., use profile with this second density component r_core2: float if > 0., use profile with this second r_core value beta2: float if > 0., use profile with this second beta value as for NGC1275 chi: `~scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline` Spline function in (E [GeV], r [kpc]) giving values of photon-photon dispersion chi along the line of sight through the cluster """ kwargs.setdefault('EGeV', np.logspace(0., 4., 100)) kwargs.setdefault('restore', None) kwargs.setdefault('restore_path', './') kwargs.setdefault('nsim', 1) # Bfield kwargs kwargs.setdefault('B0', 1.) kwargs.setdefault('L0', 1.) # ICM kwargs kwargs.setdefault('n0', 1e-3) kwargs.setdefault('r_core', 10.) kwargs.setdefault('r_abell', 500.) kwargs.setdefault('eta', 1.) kwargs.setdefault('beta', 2. / 3.) kwargs.setdefault('n2', 0.) kwargs.setdefault('r_core2', 0.) kwargs.setdefault('beta2', 0.) kwargs.setdefault('seed', None) kwargs.setdefault('log_level', 'info') kwargs.setdefault('chi', None) logger = logging.getLogger('gamma_alps') kwargs.setdefault('rbounds', np.arange(0., kwargs['r_abell'], kwargs['L0'])) if kwargs['r_abell'] <= kwargs['L0']: kwargs['rbounds'] = np.array([0., kwargs['L0']]) self._rbounds = kwargs['rbounds'] self._r = 0.5 * (self._rbounds[1:] + self._rbounds[:-1]) dL = self._rbounds[1:] - self._rbounds[:-1] self._nel = icm.NelICM(**kwargs) if kwargs['restore'] is None: self._Bfield_model = cell.Bcell(kwargs['B0'], kwargs['L0']) B, psi = self._Bfield_model.new_Bn(self._r.shape[0], Bscale=self._nel.Bscale(self._r), nsim=kwargs['nsim']) if type(kwargs['chi'])==RBSpline: Chi = kwargs['chi'](kwargs['EGeV'], self._r)"Using interpolated chi") else: Chi = kwargs['chi']"Using inputted chi") # init the transfer function super(MixICMCell, self).__init__(kwargs['EGeV'], B, psi, self._nel(self._r), dL, alp, Gamma=None, chi=None, Delta=None) else: tra = super(MixICMCell,self).read_environ(kwargs['restore'], alp, filepath=kwargs['restore_path']) super(MixICMCell,self).__init__(tra.EGeV, tra.B, tra.psin, tra.nel, tra.dL, tra.alp, Gamma=tra.Gamma, chi=tra.chi, Delta=tra.Delta) logger.warning("r_abell <= L0: assuming one domain from 0. to L0")
@property def r(self): return self._r @property def rbounds(self): return self._rbounds @property def Bfield_model(self): return self._Bfield_model @property def nel_model(self): return self._nel
[docs] class MixICMGaussTurb(trans.GammaALPTransfer):
[docs] def __init__(self, alp, **kwargs): """ Initialize mixing in the intracluster magnetic field, assuming that it follows a Gaussian turbulence Parameters ---------- alp: :py:class:`~gammaALPs.ALP` :py:class:`~gammaALPs.ALP` object with ALP parameters EGeV: array-like Gamma-ray energies in GeV restore: str or None if str, identifier for files to restore environment. If None, initialize mixing with new B field restore_path: str full path to environment files rbounds: larray-like bin bounds for steps along line of sight in kpc. Default: linear range between 0. and r_abell with 1/kH (min turbulence scale) as step size thinning: int if > 1, thin out array of r B field kwargs: B0: float ICM at r = 0 in muG kH: float upper wave number cutoff, should be at at least > 1. / osc. wavelength (default = 1 / (1 kpc)) kL: float lower wave number cutoff, should be of same size as the system (default = 1 / (100 kpc)) q: float power-law turbulence spectrum (default: q = 11/3 is Kolmogorov type spectrum) kMin: float minimum wave number in 1. / kpc, default 1e-3 * kL (the k interval runs from kMin to kH) dkType:string either linear, log, or random. Determine the spacing of the dk intervals dkSteps: int number of dkSteps. For log spacing, number of steps per decade / number of decades ~ 10 should be chosen. nsim: int number of B field realizations ICM kwargs: n0: float electron density in cm**-3 (default 1e-3) r_core: float core radius in kpc (default 10.) beta: float exponent of density profile (default: 1.) eta: float exponent for scaling of B field with electron density (default = 2./3.) n2: float if > 0., use profile with this second density component r_core2: float if > 0., use profile with this second r_core value beta2: float if > 0., use profile with this second beta value as for NGC1275 chi: `~scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline` Spline function in (E [GeV], r [kpc]) giving values of photon-photon dispersion chi along the line of sight through the cluster """ kwargs.setdefault('EGeV', np.logspace(0., 4., 100)) kwargs.setdefault('restore', None) kwargs.setdefault('restore_path', './') kwargs.setdefault('nsim', 1) kwargs.setdefault('thinning', 1) # Bfield kwargs kwargs.setdefault('B0', 1.) kwargs.setdefault('kH', 1. / 100.) kwargs.setdefault('kL', 1.) kwargs.setdefault('q', 11. / 3.) kwargs.setdefault('kMin', -1.) kwargs.setdefault('dkType','log') kwargs.setdefault('dkSteps',0) kwargs.setdefault('seed', None) # ICM kwargs kwargs.setdefault('n0', 1e-3) kwargs.setdefault('r_core', 10.) kwargs.setdefault('r_abell', 500.) kwargs.setdefault('eta', 1.) kwargs.setdefault('beta', 2. / 3.) kwargs.setdefault('n2', 0.) kwargs.setdefault('r_core2', 0.) kwargs.setdefault('beta2', 0.) kwargs.setdefault('chi', None) logger = logging.getLogger('gamma_alps') # step length is assumed to be 1. / kH -> minimum turbulence length scale kwargs.setdefault('rbounds', np.arange(0., kwargs['r_abell'], 1. / kwargs['kH'])) self._rbounds = kwargs['rbounds'][::kwargs['thinning']] self._r = 0.5 * (self._rbounds[1:] + self._rbounds[:-1]) dL = self._rbounds[1:] - self._rbounds[:-1] self._nelicm = icm.NelICM(**kwargs) if kwargs['restore'] is None: self._Bfield_model = gauss.Bgaussian(kwargs['B0'], kwargs['kH'], kwargs['kL'], kwargs['q'], kMin=kwargs['kMin'], dkType=kwargs['dkType'], dkSteps=kwargs['dkSteps'], seed=kwargs['seed']) B, psi = self._Bfield_model.new_Bn(self._r, Bscale=self._nelicm.Bscale(self._r), nsim=kwargs['nsim']) if type(kwargs['chi'])==RBSpline: Chi = kwargs['chi'](kwargs['EGeV'], self._r)"Using interpolated chi") else: Chi = kwargs['chi']"Using inputted chi") # init the transfer function with absorption super(MixICMGaussTurb, self).__init__(kwargs['EGeV'], B, psi, self._nelicm(self._r), dL, alp, Gamma=None, chi=Chi, Delta=None) else: tra = super(MixICMGaussTurb, self).read_environ(kwargs['restore'], alp, filepath=kwargs['restore_path']) super(MixICMGaussTurb, self).__init__(tra.EGeV, tra.Bn, tra.psin, tra.nel, tra.dL, tra.alp, Gamma=tra.Gamma, chi=tra.chi, Delta=tra.Delta) return
@property def r(self): return self._r @property def rbounds(self): return self._rbounds @property def Bfield_model(self): return self._Bfield_model @property def nel_model(self): return self._nelicm
[docs] class MixICMStructured(trans.GammaALPTransfer):
[docs] def __init__(self, alp, **kwargs): """ Initialize mixing in the intracluster magnetic field, assuming that it follows a structured field, see Parameters ---------- alp: :py:class:`~gammaALPs.ALP` :py:class:`~gammaALPs.ALP` object with ALP parameters EGeV: array-like Gamma-ray energies in GeV restore: str or None if str, identifier for files to restore environment. If None, initialize mixing with new B field restore_path: str full path to environment files B0: float ICM at r = 0 in muG (default 1). R: float Radius of cavity, B field vanishes at r=R, in kpc (default 100). theta: float Angle of B field symmetry axis w.r.t. line of sight in degrees (default 0). radians: bool If True, theta is considered to be expressed in radians (default False). pa: float Position angle of symmetry axis in galactic coordinates (default 0). pa_rad: bool True if pa given in radians (default False). cell_num: int Number of cells B field is divided into for propagation of polarization density matrix (default 1000). ICM kwargs: n0: float electron density in cm**-3 (default 1e-3) r_core: float core radius in kpc (default 10.) beta: float exponent of density profile (default: 1.) n2: float if > 0., use profile with this second density component r_core2: float if > 0., use profile with this second r_core value beta2: float if > 0., use profile with this second beta value as for NGC1275 chi: `~scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline` Spline function in (E [GeV], r [kpc]) giving values of photon-photon dispersion chi along the line of sight through the cluster. """ kwargs.setdefault('EGeV', np.logspace(0., 4., 100)) kwargs.setdefault('restore', None) kwargs.setdefault('restore_path', './') # Bfield kwargs kwargs.setdefault('B0', 1.) kwargs.setdefault('R', 100.) kwargs.setdefault('theta', 0) kwargs.setdefault('theta_rad', False) kwargs.setdefault('pa', 0) kwargs.setdefault('pa_rad', False) kwargs.setdefault('cell_num', 1000) # ICM kwargs kwargs.setdefault('n0', 1e-3) kwargs.setdefault('r_core', 10.) kwargs.setdefault('r_abell', 500.) kwargs.setdefault('eta', 0.) kwargs.setdefault('beta', 0) kwargs.setdefault('n2', 0.) kwargs.setdefault('r_core2', 0.) kwargs.setdefault('beta2', 0.) kwargs.setdefault('seed', None) kwargs.setdefault('chi', None) logger = logging.getLogger('gamma_alps') self._nelicm = icm.NelICM(**kwargs) if kwargs['restore'] is None: self._Bfield_model = struc.structured_field(kwargs['B0'], kwargs['R'], kwargs['theta'], kwargs['theta_rad'], kwargs['pa'], kwargs['pa_rad'], kwargs['cell_num']) dL = self._Bfield_model.dL_vec self._r = self._Bfield_model.r B = self._Bfield_model.b_trans # * self._Bfield_model.bscale(self._nelicm(self._r), kwargs['eta']) psi = self._Bfield_model.angle # init the transfer function if type(kwargs['chi'])==RBSpline: Chi = kwargs['chi'](kwargs['EGeV'], self._r)"Using interpolated chi") else: Chi = kwargs['chi']"Using inputted chi") # init the transfer function with absorption super(MixICMStructured, self).__init__(kwargs['EGeV'], B, psi, self._nelicm(self._r), dL, alp, Gamma=None, chi=Chi, Delta=None) else: tra = super(MixICMStructured,self).read_environ(kwargs['restore'], alp, filepath=kwargs['restore_path']) super(MixICMStructured,self).__init__(tra.EGeV, tra.B, tra.psin, tra.nel, tra.dL, tra.alp, Gamma=tra.Gamma, chi=tra.chi, Delta=tra.Delta) return
@property def r(self): return self._Bfield_model.r @property def Bfield_model(self): return self._Bfield_model @property def nel_model(self): return self._nelicm
[docs] class MixJet(trans.GammaALPTransfer):
[docs] def __init__(self, alp, source, **kwargs): """ Initialize mixing in the magnetic field of the jet, assumed here to be coherent Parameters ---------- alp: :py:class:`~gammaALPs.ALP` :py:class:`~gammaALPs.ALP` object with ALP parameters source: :py:class:`~gammaALPs.Source` :py:class:`~gammaALPs.Source` object with source parameters EGeV: array-like Gamma-ray energies in GeV restore: str or None if str, identifier for files to restore environment. If None, initialize mixing with new B field restore_path: str full path to environment files rgam: float distance of gamma-ray emitting region to BH in pc (default: 0.1) sens: float sens > 0 and sens < 1., sets the number of domains, for the B field in the n-th domain, it will have changed by B_n = sens * B_{n-1} rbounds: list or `~numpy.ndarray` bin bounds for steps along line of sight in pc, default: log range between rgam and Rjet with step size chosen such that B field changes by sens parameter in each step B field kwargs: B0: float Jet field at r = R0 in G (default: 0.1) r0: float distance from BH where B = B0 in pc (default: 0.1) alpha: float exponent of toroidal mangetic field (default: -1.) psi: float Angle between one photon polarization state and B field. Assumed constant over entire jet. (default: pi / 4) helical: bool if True, use helical magnetic-field model from Clausen-Brown et al. (2011). In this case, the psi kwarg is treated is as the phi angle of the photon trajectory in the cylindrical jet coordinate system (default: True) Electron density kwargs: n0: float electron density at R0 in cm**-3 (default 1e3) beta: float exponent of electron density (default = -2.) equipartition: bool if true, assume equipartition between electrons and the B field. This will overwrite beta = 2 * alpha and set n0 given the minimum electron lorentz factor set with gamma_min gamma_min: float minimum lorentz factor of emitting electrons, only used if equipartition = True gamma_max: float maximum lorentz factor of emitting electrons, only used if equipartition = True by default assumed to be gamma_min * 1e4 Jet kwargs: Rjet: float maximum jet length in pc (default: 1000.) theta_obs: float Angle between l.o.s. and jet axis in degrees (default: 3.) bulk_lorentz: float bulk lorentz factor of gamma-ray emitting plasma (default: 10.) theta_jet: float Jet opening angle in degrees. If not given, assumed to be 1./bulk_lorentz chi: `~scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline` Spline function in (E [GeV], r [pc]) giving values of photon-photon dispersion chi down the jet """ kwargs.setdefault('EGeV', np.logspace(0.,4.,100)) kwargs.setdefault('restore', None) kwargs.setdefault('restore_path', './') kwargs.setdefault('sens', 0.99) kwargs.setdefault('rgam', 0.1) kwargs.setdefault('chi', None) # Bfield kwargs kwargs.setdefault('helical', True) kwargs.setdefault('B0', 0.1) kwargs.setdefault('r0', 0.1) kwargs.setdefault('alpha', -1.) kwargs.setdefault('psi', np.pi / 4.) # electron density kwargs kwargs.setdefault('n0', 1e3) kwargs.setdefault('beta', -2.) kwargs.setdefault('equipartition', True) kwargs.setdefault('gamma_min', 1. ) kwargs.setdefault('gamma_max', 1e4 * kwargs['gamma_min']) logger = logging.getLogger('gamma_alps') # calculate doppler factor self._Rjet = kwargs['Rjet'] self._psi = kwargs['psi'] self._source = source nsteps = int(np.ceil( kwargs['alpha'] * np.log(self._Rjet / kwargs['rgam'] ) / np.log(kwargs['sens']))) kwargs.setdefault('rbounds', np.logspace(np.log10(kwargs['rgam']), np.log10(self._Rjet), nsteps)) self._rbounds = kwargs['rbounds'] self._r = np.sqrt(self._rbounds[1:] * self._rbounds[:-1]) dL = self._rbounds[1:] - self._rbounds[:-1] if kwargs['restore'] is None: self._Bfield_model = jet.Bjet(kwargs['B0'], kwargs['r0'], kwargs['alpha'] ) B, psi = self._Bfield_model.new_Bn(self._r, psi=kwargs['psi']) if kwargs['helical']: B, psi = self._Bfield_model.transversal_component_helical(B, psi, theta_jet=self._source.theta_jet, theta_obs=self._source.theta_obs) if kwargs['equipartition']: kwargs['beta'] = kwargs['alpha'] * 2. intp = USpline(np.log10(self._r), np.log10(B), k = 1, s = 0) B0 = 10.**intp(np.log10(kwargs['r0'])) # see e.g. Eq. 2 kwargs['n0'] = B0 ** 2. / 8. / np.pi \ / kwargs['gamma_min'] / (c.m_e * c.c ** 2.).to('erg').value / \ np.log(kwargs['gamma_max'] / kwargs['gamma_min'])"Assuming equipartion at r0: n0(r0) = {0[n0]:.3e} cm^-3".format(kwargs)) self._neljet = njet.NelJet(kwargs['n0'], kwargs['r0'], kwargs['beta']) if type(kwargs['chi'])==RBSpline: Chi = kwargs['chi'](kwargs['EGeV'], self._r)"Using interpolated chi") else: Chi = kwargs['chi']"Using inputted chi") # init the transfer function with absorption super(MixJet, self).__init__(kwargs['EGeV'], B * 1e6, psi, self._neljet(self._r), dL * 1e-3, alp, Gamma=None, chi=Chi, Delta=None) # transform energies to stationary frame self._ee /= self._source._doppler else: tra = super(MixJet, self).read_environ(kwargs['restore'], alp, filepath = kwargs['restore_path']) super(MixJet, self).__init__(tra.EGeV, tra.B, tra.psi, tra.nel, tra.dL, tra.alp, Gamma=tra.Gamma, chi=tra.chi, Delta=tra.Delta) return
@property def r(self): return self._r @property def rbounds(self): return self._rbounds @property def Rjet(self): return self._Rjet @property def Bfield_model(self): return self._Bfield_model @property def nel_model(self): return self._neljet @Rjet.setter def Rjet(self, Rjet): if type(Rjet) == u.Quantity: self._Rjet='pc').value else: self._Rjet = Rjet return
[docs] class MixJetHelicalTangled(trans.GammaALPTransfer):
[docs] def __init__(self, alp, source, **kwargs): """ Initialize mixing in the magnetic field of the jet Parameters ---------- alp: :py:class:`~gammaALPs.ALP` :py:class:`~gammaALPs.ALP` object with ALP parameters source: :py:class:`~gammaALPs.Source` :py:class:`~gammaALPs.Source` object with source parameters EGeV: array-like Gamma-ray energies in GeV restore: str or None if str, identifier for files to restore environment. If None, initialize mixing with new B field restore_path: str full path to environment files ndom: Number of domains in jet model. (default 400) B-Field kwargs: ft: float fraction of magnetic field energy density in tangled field r_T: float radius at which helical field becomes toroidal in pc Bt_exp: float exponent of the transverse component of the helical field at r<=r_T. i.e. sin(pitch angle) ~ r^Bt_exp while r<r_T and pitch angle = pi/2 at r=r_T B0: float Bfield strength in G r0: float radius where B field is equal to b0 in pc rvhe: float distance of gamma-ray emission region from BH in pc rjet: float jet length in pc rem: float distance of emission region from BH if different from large-scale jet transition region in pc alpha: float power-law index of electron energy distribution function l_tcor: float tangled field coherence average length in pc jwf: float jet width factor used when calculating l_tcor = jwf*jetwidth jwf_dist: string type of distribution for jet width factors (jwf) when calculating l_tcor with jwf*jetwidth tseed: float seed for random tangled domains Electron density kwargs: n0: float electron density at R0 in cm**-3 (default 1e3) beta: float exponent of electron density (default = -2.) Jet kwargs: gmin: float jet lorenz factor at rjet chi: `~scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline` Spline function in (E [GeV], r [pc]) giving values of photon-photon dispersion chi down the jet Gamma: <class 'scipy.interpolate.fitpack2.RectBivariateSpline'> Spline function in (E [GeV], r [pc]) giving values of absorption rate Gamma in kpc^-1 down the jet """ kwargs.setdefault('EGeV', np.logspace(0.,5.,400)) kwargs.setdefault('restore', None) kwargs.setdefault('restore_path', './') kwargs.setdefault('ndom', 400) # Bfield kwargs kwargs.setdefault('ft', 0.3) kwargs.setdefault('r_T', 0.3) kwargs.setdefault('Bt_exp', -1.) kwargs.setdefault('B0', 0.8) kwargs.setdefault('r0', 0.3) kwargs.setdefault('l_tcor', 0.1) kwargs.setdefault('jwf', 1.) kwargs.setdefault('jwf_dist', None) kwargs.setdefault('tseed', 0) # electron density kwargs kwargs.setdefault('n0', 5e4) kwargs.setdefault('beta', -2.) # jet kwargs kwargs.setdefault('gmin', 2.) kwargs.setdefault('alpha', 1.68) kwargs.setdefault('rjet', 3206.3) kwargs.setdefault('rvhe', 0.3) kwargs.setdefault('rem', None) kwargs.setdefault('chi', None) kwargs.setdefault('Gamma', None) logger = logging.getLogger('gamma_alps') if kwargs['rem']: self._rem = kwargs['rem'] else: self._rem = kwargs['rvhe'] #self._rbounds = np.logspace(np.log10(kwargs['rvhe']),np.log10(kwargs['rjet']),kwargs['ndom']) self._rbounds = np.logspace(np.log10(self._rem),np.log10(kwargs['rjet']),kwargs['ndom']) if kwargs['ft'] > 0. and kwargs['l_tcor'] != 'jetdom' and kwargs['l_tcor'] != 'jetwidth': while np.average(np.diff(self._rbounds)) > kwargs['l_tcor']: kwargs['ndom']+=50 #self._rbounds = np.logspace(np.log10(kwargs['rvhe']), np.log10(kwargs['rjet']), kwargs['ndom']) logger.warning("Not enough jet doms to resolve tangled field." " Increased to {}".format(kwargs['ndom'])) self._rbounds = np.logspace(np.log10(self._rem),np.log10(kwargs['rjet']),kwargs['ndom']) self._r = np.sqrt(self._rbounds[1:] * self._rbounds[:-1]) dL = self._rbounds[1:] - self._rbounds[:-1] self._Bfield_model = jet.BjetHelicalTangled(kwargs['ft'], kwargs['r_T'], kwargs['Bt_exp'], kwargs['B0'], kwargs['r0'], source.bLorentz, kwargs['gmin'], kwargs['rvhe'], kwargs['rjet'], kwargs['alpha'], kwargs['l_tcor'], kwargs['jwf'], kwargs['jwf_dist'], kwargs['tseed'], kwargs['rem']) B, psi = self._Bfield_model.get_jet_props_gen(self._r) # change rs if they were not originally resolving the tangled field try: if self._Bfield_model.trerun: # try: if np.array(self._Bfield_model.newbounds).any(): self._rbounds = self._Bfield_model.newbounds # except AttributeError: else: self._rbounds = self._Bfield_model.tdoms self._r = np.sqrt(self._rbounds[1:] * self._rbounds[:-1]) dL = self._rbounds[1:] - self._rbounds[:-1] except AttributeError: pass self._widths = self._Bfield_model._widths self._width_rvhe = self._Bfield_model._width_rvhe self._neljet = njet.NelJetHelicalTangled(kwargs['n0'], kwargs['rvhe'], self._width_rvhe, kwargs['alpha'], kwargs['beta']) if type(kwargs['chi'])==RBSpline: Chi = kwargs['chi'](kwargs['EGeV'], self._r)"Using interpolated chi") else: Chi = kwargs['chi']"Using inputted chi") if type(kwargs['Gamma'])==RBSpline: Gamma = kwargs['Gamma'](kwargs['EGeV'], self._r)"Using interpolated chi") else: Gamma = kwargs['Gamma']"Using inputted chi") # init the transfer function with absorption super(MixJetHelicalTangled, self).__init__(kwargs['EGeV'], B * 1e6, psi, self._neljet(self._r, self._widths), dL * 1e-3, alp, Gamma=Gamma, chi=Chi, Delta=None) # transform energies to stationary frame self._gammas = self.jet_gammas_scaled_gg(self._r, kwargs['rvhe'], kwargs['rjet'], kwargs['gmin'], source.bLorentz) self._ee /= self._gammas return
@property def r(self): return self._r @property def rbounds(self): return self._rbounds @property def Rjet(self): return self._Rjet @property def Bfield_model(self): return self._Bfield_model @property def nel_model(self): return self._neljet @property def gammas(self): return self._gammas
[docs] @staticmethod def jet_gammas_scaled_gg(rs, rvhe, rjet, gmin, gmax): """ Function to get jet lorentz factors. The shape of the gammas vs. r from PC Jet model, scaled to r0, gmin, gmax and rjet. Jet accelerates in the parabolic base (up to rvhe), then logarithmically decelerates in the conical jet. """ gxs = rs gz = 4. * (gmax / 9.) gmx = 9. * (gmax / 9.) gmn = 2. * (gmin / 2.) xcon = 0.3 * (rvhe / 0.3) L = 3206.3 * (rjet / 3206.3) g1 = (gz + ((gmx - gz) / (xcon ** (1. - 0.68))) * gxs**(1. - 0.68)) * (gxs < xcon) g2 = (gmx - ((gmx - gmn) / np.log10(L / xcon)) * np.log10(gxs / xcon)) * (gxs >= xcon) return g1 + g2
[docs] class MixGMF(trans.GammaALPTransfer):
[docs] def __init__(self, alp, source, **kwargs): """ Initialize mixing in the coherent component of the Galactic magnetic field Parameters ---------- alp: :py:class:`~gammaALPs.ALP` :py:class:`~gammaALPs.ALP` object with ALP parameters source: :py:class:`~gammaALPs.Source` :py:class:`~gammaALPs.Source` object with source parameters EGeV: array-like Gamma-ray energies in GeV restore: str or None if str, identifier for files to restore environment. If None, initialize mixing with new B field restore_path: str full path to environment files int_steps: int (default = 100) Number of integration steps rbounds: array-like bin bounds for steps along line of sight in kpc, default: lin range between end of Galactic Bfield and 0. with int_step steps chi: `~scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline` Spline function in (E [GeV], r [kpc]) giving values of photon-photon dispersion chi along the line of sight Source parameters: ra: float R.A. of the source (J2000) dec: float Declination of the source (J2000) galactic: float Distance of source to sun in kpc. If -1, source is extragalactic B field parameters: rho_max: float maximal rho of GMF in kpc default: 20 kpc zmax: float maximal z of GMF in kpc default: 50 kpc model: str (default = jansson) GMF model that is used. Currently the model by Jansson & Farrar (2012) (also with updates from Planck measurements) and Pshirkov et al. (2011) are implemented. Usage: model=[jansson12, jansson12b, jansson12c, pshirkov] model_sym: str (default = ASS) Only applies if pshirkov model is chosen: you can choose between the axis- and bisymmetric version by setting model_sym to ASS or BSS. Electron density parameters: n0: float Electron density in cm^-3 (default: 10). NE2001 code implementation still missing. """ kwargs.setdefault('EGeV', np.logspace(0.,4.,100)) kwargs.setdefault('restore', None) kwargs.setdefault('restore_path', './') kwargs.setdefault('int_steps', 100) kwargs.setdefault('chi', None) # Bfield kwargs kwargs.setdefault('galactic',-1.) kwargs.setdefault('rho_max',20.) kwargs.setdefault('zmax',50.) kwargs.setdefault('model','jansson12') kwargs.setdefault('model_sym','ASS') self._model = kwargs['model'] self._galactic = kwargs['galactic'] logger = logging.getLogger('gamma_alps') # Nel kwargs kwargs.setdefault('n0', 1e1) # for B field calculation self.__zmax = kwargs['zmax'] self.__rho_max = kwargs['rho_max'] self._source = source if kwargs['model'].find('jansson') >= 0: self._Bgmf = gmf.GMF(model=kwargs['model']) # Initialize the Bfield class elif kwargs['model'] == 'pshirkov': self._Bgmf = gmf.GMFPshirkov(model=kwargs['model_sym']) else: raise ValueError("Unknown GMF model chosen") # set coordinates self.set_coordinates() # sets self._l, self._b and self._smax # step length kwargs.setdefault('rbounds' , np.linspace(self._smax,0., kwargs['int_steps'],endpoint = False)) self._rbounds = kwargs['rbounds'] self._r = 0.5 * (self._rbounds[1:] + self._rbounds[:-1]) # use other way round since we are beginning from # max distance and propagate to Earth dL = self._rbounds[:-1] - self._rbounds[1:] # NE2001 code missing! self._nelgmf = kwargs['n0'] * np.ones(self._r.shape) if kwargs['restore'] is None: B, psi = self.Bgmf_calc() if type(kwargs['chi'])==RBSpline: Chi = kwargs['chi'](kwargs['EGeV'], self._r[::-1] - self.rbounds[:-1])"Using interpolated chi") else: Chi = kwargs['chi']"Using inputted chi") # init the transfer function with absorption super(MixGMF, self).__init__(kwargs['EGeV'], B, psi, self._nelgmf, dL, alp, Gamma=None, chi=Chi, Delta=None) else: tra = super(MixGMF, self).read_environ(kwargs['restore'], alp, filepath=kwargs['restore_path']) super(MixGMF, self).__init__(tra.EGeV, tra.B, tra.psi, tra.nel, tra.dL, tra.alp, Gamma=tra.Gamma, chi=tra.chi, Delta=tra.Delta)
@property def galactic(self): return self._galactic @galactic.setter def galactic(self, galactic): if type(galactic) == u.Quantity: self._galactic ='kpc').value else: self._galactic = galactic self._B, self._psi = self.Bgmf_calc() return @property def r(self): return self._r @property def rbounds(self): return self._rbounds @property def Bfield_model(self): return self._Bgmf @property def nel_model(self): return self._nelgmf
[docs] def set_coordinates(self): """ Set the coordinates l,b and the the maximum distance smax where |GMF| > 0 """ # Transformation RA, DEC -> L,B self._l = np.radians(self._source.l) self._b = np.radians(self._source.b) d = -1. * np.abs(self._Bgmf.Rsun) # if source is extragalactic, calculate maximum distance that beam traverses GMF to Earth if self.galactic < 0.: cl = np.cos(self._l) cb = np.cos(self._b) sb = np.sin(self._b) self._smax = np.amin([self.__zmax/np.abs(sb), 1./np.abs(cb) * (-d*cl + np.sqrt(d**2 + cl**2 - d**2*cb + self.__rho_max**2))]) else: self._smax = self._galactic return
[docs] def Bgmf_calc(self, l=0., b=0.): """ compute GMF at (s,l,b) position where origin at self.d along x-axis in GC coordinates is assumed Parameters ----------- s: array-like N-dim array, distance from sun in kpc for all domains l: float galactic longitude, scalar or N-dim np.array b: float galactic latitude, scalar or N-dim np.array Returns ------- Btrans, Psin: tuple with :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray` (3,N)-dim arrays containing GMF for all domains in galactocentric cylindrical coordinates (rho, phi, z) and N-dim array with angles between propagation direction and line of sight. """ if np.isscalar(l): if not l: l = self._l if np.isscalar(b): if not b: b = self._b # compute rho in GC coordinates for s,l,b rho = trafo.rho_HC2GC(self._r, l, b, -1. * np.abs(self._Bgmf.Rsun)) # compute phi in GC coordinates for s,l,b phi = trafo.phi_HC2GC(self._r, l, b, -1. * np.abs(self._Bgmf.Rsun)) z = trafo.z_HC2GC(self._r, b) # compute z in GC coordinates for s,l,b B = self._Bgmf.Bdisk(rho,phi,z)[0] # add all field components B += self._Bgmf.Bhalo(rho,z)[0] if self._model.find('jansson') >= 0: B += self._Bgmf.BX(rho,z)[0] # Single components for debugging ### # B = self.Bgmf.Bdisk(rho,phi,z)[0] # B = self.Bgmf.Bhalo(rho,z)[0] # B = self.Bgmf.BX(rho,z)[0] Babs = np.sqrt(np.sum(B**2., axis=0)) # compute overall field strength # Bs, Bt, Bu = trafo.GC2HCproj(B, self._r, self._l, self._b, d = -1. * np.abs(self._Bgmf.Rsun)) # TODO: what is correct for the Pshirkov model? Bs, Bt, Bu = trafo.GC2HCproj(B, self._r, self._l, self._b, d = self._Bgmf.Rsun) Btrans = np.sqrt(Bt**2. + Bu**2.) # Abs value of transverse component in all domains Psin = np.arctan2(Bt, Bu) # arctan2 selects the right quadrant return Btrans, Psin
[docs] class MixFromFile(trans.GammaALPTransfer):
[docs] def __init__(self, alp, filename,**kwargs): """ Initialize mixing in environment given by a data file. Data file has to have 5 columns: 1: distance along l.o.s. (z-axis) in kpc (bin bounds) 2: electron density in cm^-3 at bin bounds 3: Temperature in K 4: Bx component in muG at bin bounds 5: By component in muG at bin bounds 6: Bz component in muG at bin bounds Parameters ---------- alp: :py:class:`~gammaALPs.ALP` :py:class:`~gammaALPs.ALP` object with ALP parameters filename: str full path to file with electron density and B field EGeV: array-like Gamma-ray energies in GeV restore: str or None if str, identifier for files to restore environment. If None, initialize mixing with new B field restore_path: str full path to environment files """ kwargs.setdefault('EGeV', np.logspace(0., 4., 100)) kwargs.setdefault('restore', None) kwargs.setdefault('restore_path', './') kwargs.setdefault('log_level', 'info') logger = logging.getLogger('gamma_alps') data = np.loadtxt(filename) self._rbounds = data[:, 0] self._r = 0.5 * (self._rbounds[1:] + self._rbounds[:-1]) dL = self._rbounds[1:] - self._rbounds[:-1] n = 0.5 * (data[1:,1] + data[:-1,1]) Bx = 0.5 * (data[1:,3] + data[:-1,3]) By = 0.5 * (data[1:,4] + data[:-1,4]) Bz = 0.5 * (data[1:,5] + data[:-1,5]) self._T = 0.5 * (data[1:,2] + data[:-1,2]) Btrans = np.sqrt(Bx**2. + By**2.) psi = np.arctan2(Bx,By) if kwargs['restore'] is None: # init the transfer function super(MixFromFile, self).__init__(kwargs['EGeV'], Btrans, psi, n, dL, alp, Gamma = None, chi = None, Delta=None) else: tra = super(MixFromFile, self).read_environ(kwargs['restore'], alp, filepath=kwargs['restore_path']) super(MixFromFile, self).__init__(tra.EGeV, tra.Bn, tra.psin, tra.nel, tra.dL, tra.alp, Gamma=tra.Gamma, chi=tra.chi, Delta=tra.Delta )
[docs] class MixFromArray(trans.GammaALPTransfer):
[docs] def __init__(self, alp, Btrans, psi, nel, dL, **kwargs): """ Initialize mixing in environment given by numpy arrays Parameters ---------- alp: :py:class:`~gammaALPs.ALP` :py:class:`~gammaALPs.ALP` object with ALP parameters Btrans: array-like n-dim or m x n-dim array with absolute value of transversal B field, in muG if m x n-dimensional, m realizations are assumed psi: array-like n-dim or m x n-dim array with angles between transversal direction and one polarization, if m x n-dimensional, m realizations are assumed nel: array-like n-dim or m x n-dim array electron density, in cm^-3, if m x n-dimensional, m realizations are assumed dL: array-like n-dim array with bin widths along line of sight in kpc, if m x n-dimensional, m realizations are assumed EGeV: array-like Gamma-ray energies in GeV restore: str or None if str, identifier for files to restore environment. If None, initialize mixing with new B field restore_path: str full path to environment files chi: array-like n x m -dim numpy array with photon dispersion rate at energy E and distance L """ kwargs.setdefault('EGeV', np.logspace(0., 4., 100)) kwargs.setdefault('restore', None) kwargs.setdefault('restore_path', './') kwargs.setdefault('log_level', 'info') kwargs.setdefault('chi', None) logger = logging.getLogger('gamma_alps') if kwargs['restore'] is None: Chi = kwargs['chi'] if kwargs['chi'] is not None:"Using inputted chi") # init the transfer function super(MixFromArray, self).__init__(kwargs['EGeV'], Btrans, psi, nel, dL, alp, Gamma=None, chi=Chi, Delta=None) else: tra = super(MixFromArray, self).read_environ(kwargs['restore'], alp, filepath=kwargs['restore_path']) super(MixFromArray, self).__init__(tra.EGeV, tra.Bn, tra.psin, tra.nel, tra.dL, tra.alp, Gamma=tra.Gamma, chi=tra.chi, Delta=tra.Delta)