Source code for gammaALPs.core

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
import numpy as np
from ebltable.tau_from_model import OptDepth
from .base import environs as env
from .base.transfer import calc_conv_prob, calc_lin_pol
from .utils.interp2d import Interp2D
import logging
import sys

[docs] class Source(object): """ Class that stores information about the source: redshift Sky coordinates: ra, dec, l,b As well as jet parameters: bulk Lorentz factor, observation and jet opening angle """
[docs] def __init__(self, z, **kwargs): """ Initialize the source class Parameters ---------- z: float source redshift ra: float or string Right Ascension compatible with :py:class:`~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` object dec: float or string Declination compatible with :py:class:`~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` object l: float Galactic longitude or None. If given, overwrites ra and dec b: float Galactic latitude or None. If given, overwrites ra and dec theta_obs: float Angle between l.o.s. and jet axis in degrees (default: 3.) bLorentz: float bulk lorentz factor of gamma-ray emitting plasma (default: 10.) theta_jet: float Jet opening angle in degrees. Default: 1/bLorentz """ kwargs.setdefault('ra', None) kwargs.setdefault('dec', None) kwargs.setdefault('l', None) kwargs.setdefault('b', None) kwargs.setdefault('theta_obs', 3.) kwargs.setdefault('bLorentz', 10.) kwargs.setdefault('theta_jet', np.rad2deg(1./kwargs['bLorentz'])) if kwargs['ra'] is None and kwargs['dec'] is None and \ kwargs['l'] is None and kwargs['b'] is None: raise ValueError("Coordinates cannot all be of None Type!") # calculate doppler factor self._bLorentz = kwargs['bLorentz'] self._theta_obs = kwargs['theta_obs'] self._theta_jet = kwargs['theta_jet'] self._z = z self._doppler = None self._c = None self._c_gal = None self._ra = None self._dec = None self._l = None self._b = None self.calc_doppler() self.set_ra_dec_l_b(ra=kwargs['ra'], dec=kwargs['dec'], l=kwargs['l'], b= kwargs['b']) return
@property def z(self): return self._z @property def ra(self): return self._ra @property def dec(self): return self._dec @property def l(self): return self._l @property def b(self): return self._b @property def c(self): return self._c @property def c_gal(self): return self._c_gal @property def theta_obs(self): return self._theta_obs @property def theta_jet(self): return self._theta_jet @property def bLorentz(self): return self._bLorentz @theta_obs.setter def theta_obs(self, theta_obs): if type(theta_obs) == u.Quantity: self._theta_obs ='degree').value else: self._theta_obs = theta_obs self.calc_doppler() return @z.setter def z(self, z): self._z = z @theta_jet.setter def theta_jet(self, theta_jet): if type(theta_jet) == u.Quantity: self._theta_jet ='degree').value else: self._theta_jet = theta_jet return @bLorentz.setter def bLorentz(self, bLorentz): self._bLorentz = bLorentz self.calc_doppler() return @ra.setter def ra(self, ra): if type(ra) == u.Quantity: self._ra ='degree').value else: self._ra = ra self.set_ra_dec_l_b(self._ra,self._dec) return @dec.setter def dec(self, dec): if type(dec) == u.Quantity: self._dec ='degree').value else: self._dec = dec self.set_ra_dec_l_b(self._ra,self._dec) return @l.setter def l(self, l): if type(l) == u.Quantity: self._l ='degree').value else: self._l = l self.set_ra_dec_l_b(self._ra,self._dec, l = self._l, b = self._b) return @b.setter def b(self, b): if type(b) == u.Quantity: self._b ='degree').value else: self._b = b self.set_ra_dec_l_b(self._ra, self._dec, l=self._l, b=self._b) return
[docs] def calc_doppler(self): """Calculate the Doppler factor of the plasma""" self._doppler = 1./(self._bLorentz * (1. - np.sqrt(1. - 1./self._bLorentz**2.) * np.cos(np.radians(self.theta_obs)))) return
[docs] def set_ra_dec_l_b(self,ra,dec,l = None, b = None): """Set l and b or ra and dec""" if l is None and b is None: if type(ra) == str: self._c = SkyCoord(ra, dec, frame='icrs') elif type(ra) == float: self._c = SkyCoord(ra, dec, frame='icrs', unit='deg') self._c_gal = self._c.galactic self._l = self._c_gal.l.value self._b = self._c_gal.b.value else: self._l = l self._b = b self._c_gal = SkyCoord(l, b, frame='galactic', unit='deg') self._c = self._c_gal.icrs self._ra = self._c.ra.value self._dec = self._c.dec.value return
[docs] class ALP(object): """ Class to store the ALP parameters """
[docs] def __init__(self, m, g): """ Initialize the ALP class Parameters ---------- m: float ALP mass in neV. g: float photon-ALP coupling in 10^-11 GeV^-1. """ self._m = m self._g = g return
@property def m(self): return self._m @property def g(self): return self._g @m.setter def m(self, m): if type(m) == u.Quantity: self._m ='neV').value else: self._m = m return @g.setter def g(self, g): if type(g) == u.Quantity: self._g ='10**-11GeV-1').value else: self._g = g return
class NamedClassList(list): """ A list of classes indexable with an integer or class's name. As it is a subclasses the built-in class ``list``, it provides all the methods of the standard ``list`` class. Adapted from """ def __getitem__(self, key): return self._delegate_to_list('__getitem__', key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): return self._delegate_to_list('__setitem__', key, value) def __delitem__(self, key): return self._delegate_to_list('__delitem__', key) def keys(self): return [type(item).__name__.strip("mix") for item in self] def values(self): return self def items(self): return [(self.keys()[i], self[i]) for i in range(len(self))] def _delegate_to_list(self, method, key, *args): if isinstance(key, str): key = self._index_of(key) if sys.version_info[0] < 3: return getattr(super(NamedClassList, self), method)(key, *args) else: return getattr(super(), method)(key, *args) def _index_of(self, name): for index, item in enumerate(self): if type(item).__name__ == name or type(item).__name__.strip("Mix") == name: return index raise IndexError('no object named {!r}'.format(name))
[docs] class ModuleList(object): """ Class that collects all environments for photon-ALP mixing and manages common parameters such as photon-ALP coupling, the ALP mass, the source, and the energies at which the photon-ALP oscillation is computed. """
[docs] def __init__(self, alp, source, pin=None, EGeV=None, seed=None, log_level='info'): """ Initialize the class, energy range, and polarization matrices Parameters ---------- alp: :py:class:`~gammaALPs.ALP` :py:class:`~gammaALPs.ALP` object with ALP parameters source: :py:class:`~gammaALPs.Source` :py:class:`~gammaALPs.Source` object with source parameters pin: array-like 3x3 dim matrix with initial polarization. Default: un-polarized photon beam EGeV: array-like n-dim numpy array with gamma-ray energies in GeV Default: log-spaced array between 1 GeV and 10 TeV seed: int, optional Seed for RandomState for numpy random numbers. Must be convertible to 32 bit unsigned integers. log_level: str level for logging, either 'debug', 'info', 'warning' or 'error' """ self._alp = alp self._source = source if EGeV is None: self._EGeV = np.logspace(0., 4., 100) else: self._EGeV = EGeV # initialize final polarization states self._px = np.diag((1., 0., 0.)) self._py = np.diag((0., 1., 0.)) self._pa = np.diag((0., 0., 1.)) if pin is None: self._pin = np.diag((1., 1., 0.)) * 0.5 else: self._pin = pin self._modules = NamedClassList() self._seed = seed self._px_src = None self._py_src = None self._pa_src = None self._px_final = None self._py_final = None self._pa_final = None self._lin_pol = None self._circ_pol = None self.__nsim_max = None self._atten = None self._eblnorm = None self.__init_logger(log_level) return
@property def alp(self): return self._alp @property def source(self): return self._source @property def EGeV(self): return self._EGeV @property def px(self): return self._px @property def py(self): return self._py @property def pa(self): return self._pa @property def pin(self): return self._pin @property def seed(self): return self._seed @property def modules(self): return self._modules @pin.setter def pin(self,pin): self._pin = pin return @EGeV.setter def EGeV(self, EGeV): if type(EGeV) == u.Quantity: self._EGeV ='GeV').value else: self._EGeV = EGeV # update energies for all modules for m in self.modules: if type(m) == OptDepth: self._atten = np.exp(-self._eblnorm * m.opt_depth(self.source.z,EGeV / 1e3)) elif type(m) == env.MixGMF: m.EGeV = EGeV elif type(m) == env.MixIGMFCell: m.EGeV = EGeV m._ee *= (1. + m._z_mean) elif type(m) == env.MixJet: m.EGeV = EGeV * (1. + self.source.z) m._ee /= m._source._doppler elif type(m) == env.MixJetHelicalTangled: m.EGeV = EGeV * (1. + self.source.z) m._ee /= m._gammas else: m.EGeV = EGeV * (1. + self.source.z) return @seed.setter def seed(self, seed): self._seed = seed def __init_logger(self, log_level): logging.basicConfig(format='\033[0;36m%(filename)10s:\033' '[0;35m%(lineno)4s\033[0;0m --- %(levelname)7s: %(message)s') self._logger = logging.getLogger('gamma_alps') self._logger.setLevel(log_level.upper()) logging.addLevelName(logging.DEBUG, "\033[1;32m%s\033[1;0m" % logging.getLevelName(logging.DEBUG)) logging.addLevelName(logging.INFO, "\033[1;36m%s\033[1;0m" % logging.getLevelName(logging.INFO)) logging.addLevelName(logging.WARNING, "\033[1;31m%s\033[1;0m" % logging.getLevelName(logging.WARNING)) logging.addLevelName(logging.ERROR, "\033[1;41m%s\033[1;0m" % logging.getLevelName(logging.ERROR))
[docs] def add_propagation(self, environ, order, **kwargs): """ Add a propagation environment to the module list Parameters ---------- environ: str identifier for environment, see notes for possibilities order: int the order of the environment along the line of sight, starting at zero, where zero is closest to the source and highest value is closest to the observer Notes ----- kwargs are passed to the specific environment. Available environments are the classes given in :py:class:`~gammaALPs.base.environs`, where all the specific options are listed. The identifiers for the environments are: - IGMF: initializes :py:class:`~gammaALPs.base.environs.MixIGMFCell` for mixing in intergalactic magnetic field (IGMF) which is assumed to be of a cell-like structure - ICMCell: initializes :py:class:`~gammaALPs.base.environs.MixICMCell` for mixing in intra-cluster medium which is assumed to be of a cell-like structure - ICMGaussTurb: initializes :py:class:`~gammaALPs.base.environs.MixICMGaussTurb` for mixing in intra-cluster medium which is assumed to follow a Gaussian turbulence spectrum - ICMStructured: initializes :py:class:`~gammaALPs.base.environs.MixICMStructured`for mixing in intra-cluster medium which is assumed to be structured with radial, poloidal and toroidal components, see 1008.5353 and 1908.03084 - Jet: initializes :py:class:`~gammaALPs.base.environs.MixJet` for mixing in the AGN jet, where the field is assumed to be coherent - JetHelicalTangled: initializes :py:class:`~gammaALPs.base.environs.MixJetHelicalTangled` for mixing in the AGN jet with two field components (tangled and helical) - GMF: initializes :py:class:`~gammaALPs.base.environs.MixGMF` for mixing in the Galactic magnetic field (GMF) of the Milky Way - File: initializes :py:class:`~gammaALPs.base.environs.MixFromFile` for mixing in a magnetic field given by a data file - Array: initializes :py:class:`~gammaALPs.base.environs.MixFromArray` for mixing in a magnetic field given by a numpy arrays for B,psi,nel,r, and dL - EBL: initializes :py:class:`~ebltable.tau_from_model.OptDepth` for EBL attenuation, i.e. no photon-ALP mixing in the intergalactic medium """ kwargs.setdefault('eblmodel', 'dominguez') kwargs.setdefault('eblnorm', 1.) kwargs.setdefault('seed', self._seed) self._eblnorm = kwargs['eblnorm'] if environ == 'EBL': self._modules.insert(order, OptDepth.readmodel(model=kwargs['eblmodel'])) self._atten = np.exp(-self._eblnorm *\ self._modules[order].opt_depth(self.source.z, self.EGeV / 1e3)) elif environ == 'IGMF': self._modules.insert(order, env.MixIGMFCell(self.alp, self.source, EGeV=self.EGeV, **kwargs)) elif environ == 'ICMCell': self._modules.insert(order, env.MixICMCell(self.alp, EGeV=self.EGeV * (1. + self.source.z), **kwargs)) elif environ == 'ICMGaussTurb': self._modules.insert(order, env.MixICMGaussTurb(self.alp, EGeV=self.EGeV * (1. + self.source.z), **kwargs)) elif environ == 'ICMStructured': self._modules.insert(order, env.MixICMStructured(self.alp, EGeV=self.EGeV * (1. + self.source.z), **kwargs)) elif environ == 'Jet': self._modules.insert(order, env.MixJet(self.alp, self.source, EGeV=self.EGeV * (1. + self.source.z), **kwargs)) elif environ == 'JetHelicalTangled': self._modules.insert(order, env.MixJetHelicalTangled(self.alp, self.source, EGeV=self.EGeV * (1. + self.source.z), **kwargs)) elif environ == 'GMF': self._modules.insert(order, env.MixGMF(self.alp, self.source, EGeV=self.EGeV, **kwargs)) elif environ == 'File': self._modules.insert(order, env.MixFromFile(self.alp, EGeV=self.EGeV, **kwargs)) elif environ == 'Array': self._modules.insert(order, env.MixFromArray(self.alp, EGeV=self.EGeV, **kwargs)) else: raise ValueError("Unkwon Environment chosen") return
[docs] def add_disp_abs(self, EGeV, r_kpc, disp, module_id, type_matrix='dispersion', **kwargs): """ Add dispersion, absorption, or extra momentum difference term to a propagation module using interpolation of of a 2d dispersion / absorption matrix Parameters ---------- EGeV: array-like n-dim array with gamma-ray energies in GeV at which dispersion/absorption/momentum difference matrix is calculated r_kpc: array-like m-dim array with distnaces in kpc at which dispersion/absorption/momentum difference matrix is calculated disp: array-like n x m-dim array with dispersion (unitless) / absorption (in kpc^-1) / momentum difference (in kpc^-1) module_id: int id of module to which dispersion / absorption /momentum difference is added type_matrix: str either 'dispersion', 'absorption', or 'Delta', specifies type of matrix disp """ if module_id >= len(self.modules): raise ValueError("requested module id is out of range") if isinstance(self.modules[module_id], OptDepth): raise RuntimeError("dispersion / absorption cannot be applied to EBL only module") # interpolate matrix intp = Interp2D(np.log10(EGeV), r_kpc, disp, **kwargs) # cast to values used for propagation new_disp = intp(np.log10(self.modules[module_id].EGeV), self.modules[module_id]._r) if type_matrix == 'dispersion': self.modules[module_id].chi = new_disp elif type_matrix == 'absorption': self.modules[module_id].Gamma = new_disp elif type_matrix == 'Delta': self.modules[module_id].Delta = new_disp else: raise ValueError("type_matrix must either be 'dispersion', 'absorption' or 'Delta'")
def _check_modules_random_fields(self): """ Check how many modules have n > 1 B field realizations. At the moment, only one component is allowed to have multiple realizations. """ self._all_nsim = [] for im, m in enumerate(self.modules): if not type(m) == OptDepth: self._all_nsim.append(m.nsim) else: # only one realization of EBL self._all_nsim.append(1) self._logger.debug(self._all_nsim) self._logger.debug(np.array(self._all_nsim) > 1) if np.sum(np.array(self._all_nsim) > 1) > 1: self._logger.error("More than one module has multiple B-field realizations, not supported") self._logger.error("Number of realizations for the ALP modules: {0}".format(self._all_nsim)) raise RuntimeError return def _multiply_env(self,istart,istop,n): """ Helper function to multiply the transfer matrices of the different traversed environments. The equations of motions give :math:`P_i = \mathrm{Tr}(\rho_i \mathcal{T} \rho_0 \mathcal{T}^\dagger` and the total transfer matrix is given by :math:`\mathcal{T} = \mathcal{T}_n \ldots \mathcal{T}_0` such that the transfer matrix corresponding to environment closest to source (subscript 0) is also closest to initical polarization matrix :math:`\rho_0`. """ for it, Tenv in enumerate(self._Tenv[istart:istop]): if self.__nsim_max == (self._all_nsim[istart:istop])[it]: nn = n else: nn = 0 if not it: Tsrc = Tenv[nn] else: Tsrc = np.matmul(Tenv[nn], Tsrc) return Tsrc
[docs] def run(self, multiprocess=1): """ Run the photon-ALP conversion probability calculation for all modules Parameters ---------- multiprocess: int number of cores to perform calculation; only used when random B field is requested by one of the modules and number of realizations is > 1 Returns ------- Px, Py, Pa: tuple with :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` N x M dim. arrays with final photon and ALP states (Px, Py, Pa). Each P_i is of dimension (number of realizations x number of energy bins). Flat arrays are returned when number of realizations = 1. """ # update energies of all modules # also accounts for changed redshift self.EGeV = self._EGeV # Calculate the transfer matrices for each environment self._Tenv = [] self._check_modules_random_fields() for im, m in enumerate(self.modules): if not type(m) == OptDepth:'Running Module {0:n}: {1}'.format(im, type(m))) self._logger.debug('Photon-ALP mixing in {0}: {1:.3e}'.format(type(m), m.alp.g)) self._logger.debug('ALP mass in {0}: {1:.3e}'.format(type(m), m.alp.m)) self._logger.debug('Energy range in {0}: {1:.3e}-{2:.3e}, n = {2:n}'.format( type(m), m.EGeV[0], m.EGeV[-1], m.EGeV.size)) self._logger.debug('Number of B-field real. in {0}: {1:n}'.format(type(m), m.nsim)) if multiprocess > 1: T = m.calc_transfer_multi(nprocess=multiprocess) else: T = [] for i in range(m.nsim): T.append(m.calc_transfer(nsim = i, nprocess=1)) self._Tenv.append(np.array(T)) # check if we have simple EBL absorption present # in which case we calculate separately the mixing in the source, # the EBL absorption, and the mixing near the observer. # Otherwise only use transfer matrices to calculate the total # oscillation probability self.__nsim_max = np.max(self._all_nsim) self._px_final, self._py_final, self._pa_final = [],[],[] self._lin_pol, self._circ_pol = [],[] if OptDepth in [type(t) for t in self.modules]: # get the index of the EBL module idx = [type(t) for t in self.modules].index(OptDepth) # convert self._atten to transfer matrices t_ebl = np.zeros((self.EGeV.size, 3, 3)) t_ebl[:, 0, 0] = np.sqrt(self._atten) t_ebl[:, 1, 1] = np.sqrt(self._atten) t_ebl[:, 2, 2] = 1 t_list = [t_ebl] t = np.array(t_list) #insert in list of self._Tenv self._Tenv.insert(idx, t) # mutlitply all environments for all B-field realizations for n in range(self.__nsim_max): Tobs = self._multiply_env(0,len(self._Tenv),n) self._px_final.append(calc_conv_prob(, self.px, Tobs)) self._py_final.append(calc_conv_prob(,, Tobs)) self._pa_final.append(calc_conv_prob(,, Tobs)) l, c = calc_lin_pol(, Tobs) self._lin_pol.append(l) self._circ_pol.append(c) self._px_final = np.array(self._px_final) self._py_final = np.array(self._py_final) self._pa_final = np.array(self._pa_final) self._lin_pol = np.array(self._lin_pol) self._circ_pol = np.array(self._circ_pol) return self._px_final, self._py_final, self._pa_final