Source code for gammaALPs.base.transfer

# --- Imports ------------- #
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import numpy as np
import warnings
import logging
from os import path
from multiprocessing import Pool
from functools import reduce
from numba import jit
from astropy import units as u
from astropy import constants as c
from astropy.cosmology import Planck15
# ------------------------- #

# --- Unit conversions factors as astropy quantities --- #
kgGeV = (1. * * c.c**2.).to("J").to("GeV")
sGeV = u.s /"GeV s")
gaussGeV = c.e.value  * 1e-4 / np.sqrt(c.alpha * 4. * np.pi) * kgGeV / sGeV
GeV2kpc = (c.hbar * c.c).to("GeV kpc")
cm2GeV = ( / (c.hbar * c.c)).to("GeV-1")
m_e_GeV = (c.m_e * c.c**2.).to("GeV")
Bcrit_muGauss = m_e_GeV ** 2. / np.sqrt(4. * np.pi * c.alpha) / gaussGeV *"1e-6 G") * u.Unit("1e-6 G")

# --- chi CMB from Dobryina et al 2015
chiCMB = ((Planck15.Tcmb0 * c.k_B).to("GeV") ** 4. * np.pi **2. / 15. / m_e_GeV ** 4. *
          44. * c.alpha**2. / 135.).value

# --- prefactors for Delta terms, all are in units kpc-1
# these are astropy quantities
# and assume:
# B in 1e-6 G
# g_ag in 1e-11 GeV-1
# m_a in neV
# n_e in cm-3
# E is in GeV
prefactor_Delta_ag = gaussGeV * 1e-6 / (1e11 * u.GeV) / GeV2kpc / 2.
prefactor_Delta_a ="GeV") ** 2. * u.GeV**2. / u.GeV / GeV2kpc / 2.
prefactor_Delta_pl = 4. * np.pi * c.alpha / m_e_GeV / u.GeV / cm2GeV**3. / GeV2kpc / 2.
prefactor_Delta_CMB = chiCMB * u.GeV / GeV2kpc
prefactor_Delta_QED = c.alpha / 45. / np.pi / Bcrit_muGauss.value**2. / GeV2kpc * u.GeV

Bcrit = 4.414e13  # critical magnetic field in G

# --- Momentum differences in kpc^-1 --- #
Delta_ag = lambda g_11, B_muG: prefactor_Delta_ag.value * g_11 * B_muG
Delta_a = lambda m_neV, E_GeV: -prefactor_Delta_a.value * m_neV ** 2. / E_GeV
Delta_pl = lambda n_cm3, E_GeV: -prefactor_Delta_pl.value * n_cm3 / E_GeV
Delta_CMB = lambda E_GeV: prefactor_Delta_CMB.value * E_GeV

# Delta_QED = lambda B,E: 4.1e-9*E*B**2.
# with correction factors of Perna et al. 2012
Delta_QED = lambda B_muG, E_GeV: prefactor_Delta_QED.value * E_GeV * B_muG ** 2. * \
                                 (1. + 1.2 * B_muG / Bcrit_muGauss.value) / \
                                 (1. + 1.33 * B_muG / Bcrit_muGauss.value + 0.56 * (B_muG / Bcrit_muGauss.value)**2.)
# --------------------------------------- #
# Plasma freq in 10^-9 eV
# n is electron density in cm^-3
prefactor_omega_pl = np.sqrt(4. * np.pi * c.alpha / m_e_GeV / cm2GeV**3.).to("neV")
w_pl_e9 = lambda n_cm3: prefactor_omega_pl*np.sqrt(n_cm3)
# --------------------------------------- #

# --- Min and Max energies -------------- #
[docs] def EminGeV(m_neV, g11, n_cm3, BmuG): """ Calculates the energy above which the strong mixing regime sets in. Includes momentum difference terms Delta_pl, Delta_a and Delta_ag. If input parameters are provided as arrays, they all need to have the same shape. Parameters ---------- m_neV: float or array-like ALP mass in neV g11: float or array-like photon-ALP coupling in 10^-11 GeV^-1 n_cm3: float or array-like electron density in cm^-3 BmuG: float or array-like transversal magnetic field in muG Returns ------- Emin_GeV: float or array-like minimum energy of strong mixing regime in GeV as float or array. """ return np.abs(2.6 * m_neV**2. - 3.6e-3 * n_cm3) / g11 / BmuG
[docs] def EmaxGeV(g11, BmuG): """ Calculates the energy below which the mixing occurs in the strong mixing regime. Includes momentum difference terms Delta_CMB, Delta_QED (without high order corrections) and Delta_ag. If input parameters are provided as arrays, they all need to have the same shape. Parameters ---------- m_neV: float or array-like ALP mass in neV g11: float or array-like photon-ALP coupling in 10^-11 GeV^-1 BmuG: float or array-like transversal magnetic field in muG Returns ------- Emax_GeV: float or array-like maximum energy of strong mixing regime in GeV as float or array. """ return 4e5 * g11 * BmuG / (2e-1 * BmuG**2. + 1.)
#return 2.1e6 * g11 / BmuG # no CMB term
[docs] class GammaALPTransfer(object): """ Base class to calculate the transfer Function of photon-ALP oscillations in arbitrary magnetic fields. Does not account for redshift evolution. Units used are: magnetic field B: micro Gauss length scales: kpc electron densities: cm^-3 ALP mass: neV photon-ALP coupling: 10^-11 GeV^-1 Unit conversion is done through astropy.units module """
[docs] def __init__(self, EGeV, B, psi, nel, dL, alp, Gamma=None, chi=None, Delta=None): """ Initialize the transfer base class Parameters ---------- EGeV: array-like n-dim numpy array with gamma-ray energies in GeV B: array-like m-dim numpy array with magnetic field values along line of sight in micro Gauss psi: array-like m-dim numpy array with angles between transversal magnetic field in photon polarization direction (along y-axis) along the line of sight. Or (k,m)-dim numpy array with angles for k B-field realizations nel: array-like m-dim numpy array with electron densities in cm^-3 along the line of sight. dL: array-like m-dim numpy array with distance step length traveled along line of sight in kpc. In each step length dL, magnetic field is assumed to be constant. alp: `~gammaALPs.ALP` `~gammaALPs.ALP` object with ALP parameters Gamma: array-like or None (n x m)-dim array with photon absorption rate at energy E and distance L. In kpc^-1. If None, no absorption is included. Default is None. Delta: array-like or None (n x m)-dim array with additional momentum difference term for 0,0 and 1,1 components of mixing matrix at energy E and distance L. In kpc^-1. If None, no additional term is included. Default is None. chi: array-like or None (n x m)-dim numpy array with photon dispersion rate at energy E and distance L. If None, no dispersion is included. Default is None. """ self._EGeV = EGeV self._dL = dL self._Gamma = Gamma self._Delta = Delta self._chi = chi self._alp = alp if len(psi.shape) > 1: self._psin = psi self._psi = psi[0] logging.debug('Psi shape: {0}:'.format(self._psin.shape)) self._nsim = psi.shape[0] else: self._psi = psi self._psin = np.array([psi]) self._nsim = 1 if len(B.shape) > 1: self._Bn = B logging.debug('B shape: {0}:'.format(self._Bn.shape)) self._B = B[0] else: self._B = B if len(nel.shape) > 1: self._neln = nel logging.debug('nel shape: {0}:'.format(self._neln.shape)) self._nel = nel[0] else: self._nel = nel # init transfer matrices self._T1 = np.zeros(self._EGeV.shape + self._B.shape + (3,3), complex) self._T2 = np.zeros(self._EGeV.shape + self._B.shape + (3,3), complex) self._T3 = np.zeros(self._EGeV.shape + self._B.shape + (3,3), complex) self._Tn = None # init meshgrid arrays self._ee, self._bb = np.meshgrid(self._EGeV, self._B, indexing='ij') self._ll = np.meshgrid(self._EGeV, self._dL, indexing='ij')[1] self._pp = np.meshgrid(self._EGeV, self._psi, indexing='ij')[1] self._cpp = np.cos(self._pp) self._spp = np.sin(self._pp) self._nn = np.meshgrid(self._EGeV, self._nel, indexing='ij')[1] # init logging self._logger = logging.getLogger('gamma_alps')
# --- define properties ---- # @property def EGeV(self): return self._EGeV @property def B(self): return self._B @property def psi(self): return self._psi @property def nel(self): return self._nel @property def dL(self): return self._dL @property def Gamma(self): return self._Gamma @property def chi(self): return self._chi @property def Delta(self): return self._Delta @property def alp(self): return self._alp @property def psin(self): return self._psin @property def Bn(self): return self._Bn @property def neln(self): return self._neln @property def nsim(self): return self._nsim # --- define setters ---- # @EGeV.setter def EGeV(self, EGeV): if isinstance(EGeV, u.Quantity): self._EGeV ='GeV').value else: self._EGeV = EGeV self.__init_meshgrids() return @B.setter def B(self, B): if isinstance(B, u.Quantity): self._B ='10**-6G').value else: self._B = B self.__init_meshgrids() return @Bn.setter def Bn(self, Bn): self._Bn = Bn self._B = Bn[0] self.__init_meshgrids() return @neln.setter def neln(self, neln): self._neln = neln self._nel = neln[0] return @psi.setter def psi(self, psi): self._psi = psi self.__init_meshgrids() return @psin.setter def psin(self, psin): self._psin = psin self._nsim = psin.shape[0] self._psi = psin[0] self.__init_meshgrids() return @nel.setter def nel(self, nel): if isinstance(nel, u.Quantity): self._nel ='cm**-3').value else: self._nel = nel self.__init_meshgrids() return @dL.setter def dL(self, dL): if isinstance(dL, u.Quantity): self._dL ='kpc').value else: self._dL = dL self.__init_meshgrids() return @Gamma.setter def Gamma(self, Gamma): if isinstance(Gamma, u.Quantity): self._Gamma ='kpc**-1') else: self._Gamma = Gamma return @Delta.setter def Delta(self, Delta): if isinstance(Delta, u.Quantity): self._Delta ='kpc**-1') else: self._Delta = Delta return @chi.setter def chi(self, chi): self._chi = chi return def __init_meshgrids(self): self._ee, self._bb = np.meshgrid(self._EGeV, self._B, indexing = 'ij') self._ll = np.meshgrid(self._EGeV, self._dL, indexing = 'ij')[1] self._pp = np.meshgrid(self._EGeV, self._psi, indexing = 'ij')[1] self._cpp = np.cos(self._pp) self._spp = np.sin(self._pp) self._nn = np.meshgrid(self._EGeV, self._nel, indexing = 'ij')[1] return def __set_deltas(self): """Set Deltas and eigenvalues of mixing matrix for each domain""" DQED = Delta_QED(self._bb,self._ee) Dperp = Delta_pl(self._nn,self._ee) + 0.j + 2.*DQED Dpar = Delta_pl(self._nn,self._ee) + 0.j + 3.5*DQED Dpl = Delta_pl(self._nn,self._ee) Dag = Delta_ag(self.alp.g,self._bb) Da = Delta_a(self.alp.m,self._ee) # add additional terms if absorption rate or dispersion are defined # absorption if isinstance(self._Gamma, np.ndarray): Dperp -= 0.5j * self._Gamma Dpar -= 0.5j * self._Gamma if isinstance(self._Delta, np.ndarray): Dperp += self._Delta Dpar += self._Delta if isinstance(self._chi, np.ndarray): Dperp += Delta_CMB(self._ee) / chiCMB * self._chi Dpar += Delta_CMB(self._ee) / chiCMB * self._chi # no CMB: comment out next three lines else: # add CMB term Dperp += Delta_CMB(self._ee) Dpar += Delta_CMB(self._ee) Dosc = ((Dpar - Da)**2. + 4.*Dag**2.) Dosc = np.sqrt(Dosc) self._saca = Dag / Dosc # = 0.5 * sin(2. * alpha) # cosine^2 of mixing angle self._caca = 0.5 * (1. + (Dpar - Da) / Dosc) # sin^2 of mixing angle self._sasa = 0.5 * (1. - (Dpar - Da) / Dosc) self._EW1 = Dperp self._EW2 = 0.5 * (Dpar + Da - Dosc) self._EW3 = 0.5 * (Dpar + Da + Dosc) return def __getT1n(self): """Get T1 in all domains and at all energies""" T1 = np.zeros(self._EGeV.shape + self._B.shape + (3,3), complex) T1[..., 0, 0] = self._cpp * self._cpp T1[..., 0, 1] = -1. * self._cpp * self._spp T1[..., 1, 0] = T1[...,0,1] T1[..., 1, 1] = self._spp * self._spp return T1 def __getT2n(self): """Get T2 in all domains and at all energies""" T2 = np.zeros(self._EGeV.shape + self._B.shape + (3,3), complex) T2[..., 0, 0] = self._spp * self._spp * self._sasa T2[..., 0, 1] = self._spp * self._cpp * self._sasa T2[..., 0, 2] = -1. * self._spp * self._saca T2[..., 1, 0] = T2[...,0,1] T2[..., 1, 1] = self._cpp * self._cpp * self._sasa T2[..., 1, 2] = -1. * self._cpp * self._saca T2[..., 2, 0] = T2[...,0,2] T2[..., 2, 1] = T2[...,1,2] T2[..., 2, 2] = self._caca return T2 def __getT3n(self): """Get T3 in all domains and at all energies""" T3 = np.zeros(self._EGeV.shape + self._B.shape + (3,3), complex) T3[..., 0, 0] = self._spp * self._spp * self._caca T3[..., 0, 1] = self._spp * self._cpp * self._caca T3[..., 0, 2] = self._spp * self._saca T3[..., 1, 0] = T3[...,0,1] T3[..., 1, 1] = self._cpp * self._cpp * self._caca T3[..., 1, 2] = self._cpp * self._saca T3[..., 2, 0] = T3[...,0,2] T3[..., 2, 1] = T3[...,1,2] T3[..., 2, 2] = self._sasa del self._spp del self._caca del self._cpp del self._saca del self._sasa return T3 def __setTn(self): """Set total Transfer Matrix in all domains and at all energies""" self._Tn = np.exp(-1.j * (self._EW1 * self._ll)[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis]) * self.__getT1n() del self._EW1 self._Tn += np.exp(-1.j * (self._EW2 * self._ll)[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis]) * self.__getT2n() del self._EW2 self._Tn += np.exp(-1.j * (self._EW3 * self._ll)[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis]) * self.__getT3n() del self._EW3 del self._ll return
[docs] def write_environ(self, name, filepath ='./'): """ Save the current magnetic field, psi angles, and electron density to numpy files Parameters ---------- name: str name of job kwargs ------ filepath: str full path to output file """, name) + '_dL.npy', self.dL), name) + '_EGeV.npy', self.EGeV) if self.nsim > 1:, name) + '_psi.npy', self._psin) try:, name) + '_B.npy', self._Bn) except AttributeError: logging.debug("B field assumed constant, only angle Psi is changed"), name) + '_B.npy', self.B) else:, name) + '_B.npy', self.B), name) + '_psi.npy', self.psin) try:, name) + '_nel.npy', self.neln) except AttributeError:, name) + '_nel.npy', self.nel) if isinstance(self._Gamma, np.ndarray):, name) + '_Gamma.npy', self._Gamma) if isinstance(self._chi, np.ndarray):, name) + '_chi.npy', self._chi) if isinstance(self._Delta, np.ndarray):, name) + '_Delta.npy', self._Delta) return path.join(filepath, name) + '*.npy'
[docs] @staticmethod def read_environ(name, alp, filepath='./'): """ Load a current magnetic field, psi angles, and electron density, absorption and dispersion rate from a previous configuration Parameters -----=---- name: str name of job alp: `~gammaALPs.transer.ALP` `~gammaALPs.transer.ALP` object with ALP parameters filepath: str full path to output file m: float ALP mass in neV. Default in 1. g: float photon-ALP couplint in 10^-11 GeV^-1. Default in 1. log_level: str level for logging, either 'debug', 'info', 'warning' or 'error' """ nel = np.load(path.join(filepath,name) + '_nel.npy') dL = np.load(path.join(filepath,name) + '_dL.npy') B = np.load(path.join(filepath,name) + '_B.npy') psi = np.load(path.join(filepath,name) + '_psi.npy') EGeV = np.load(path.join(filepath,name) + '_EGeV.npy') if path.isfile(path.join(filepath,name) + '_Gamma.npy'): Gamma = np.load(path.join(filepath,name) + '_Gamma.npy') else: Gamma = None if path.isfile(path.join(filepath,name) + '_chi.npy'): chi = np.load(path.join(filepath,name) + '_chi.npy') else: chi = None if path.isfile(path.join(filepath,name) + '_Delta.npy'): Delta = np.load(path.join(filepath,name) + '_Delta.npy') else: Delta = None return GammaALPTransfer(EGeV, B, psi, nel, dL, alp, Gamma=Gamma, chi=chi, Delta=Delta)
def __set_transfer_matrices(self, nsim=-1): """Set the transfer matrices""" if nsim >= 0 and self.nsim > 1: self.psi = self.psin[nsim] try: self.B = self._Bn[nsim] except AttributeError: logging.debug("B field assumed constant, only angle Psi is changed") try: self.nel = self._neln[nsim] except AttributeError: pass self.__set_deltas() self.__setTn() return
[docs] def fill_transfer(self): """ Calculate the transfer matrix for every domain for all requested magnetic field realizations Returns ------- list with all transfer functions for all B-field realizations """ if self.nsim == 1: self.__set_transfer_matrices() return [self._Tn] else: Tn = [] for nsim in range(self.nsim): self.__set_transfer_matrices(nsim) Tn.append(self._Tn) return Tn
[docs] def calc_transfer_multi(self, nprocess=1): """ Calculate Transfer matrix by performing dot product of all transfer matrices along axis of distance. If multiple realizations for the B-field are to be calculated, parallel processing is used. Parameters ---------- nprocess: int distribute matrix multiplication to n (if n > 1) processes using python's multiprocessing. Returns ------- List with n x 3 x 3 dim :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray` with transfer matrix for all energies. \\ Length of list is equal to number of requested B-field realizations. """ Tn = self.fill_transfer() if len(Tn) == 1: return [dot_prod(Tn[0])] # os.system("taskset -p 0xff %d" % os.getpid()) pool = Pool(processes=nprocess) T =, Tn) pool.close() pool.join() return T
[docs] def calc_transfer(self, nsim=-1, nprocess=1): """ Calculate Transfer matrix by performing dot product of all transfer matrices along axis of distance. Parameters ---------- nsim: int number of B-field realization to be used. Only works if class was initialized with multiple B-field realizations. nprocess: int distibute matrix multiplication to n (if n > 1) processes using python's multiprocessing. Testing this feature so far did not show any gain in speed, however! Returns ------- n x 3 x 3 dim :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray` with transfer matrix for all energies """ if nprocess < 1: raise ValueError("nprocess must be >= 1, not {0:n}".format(nprocess)) self.__set_transfer_matrices(nsim) if nprocess == 1: # only one process return dot_prod(self._Tn) else: # split to mutliple processes pool = Pool(processes=nprocess) # split up the matrix d = np.linspace(self._Tn.shape[1] / nprocess, self._Tn.shape[1] + 1, nprocess, d = np.concatenate(([0],d)) # set the index boundaries itr = np.array([d[:-1], d[1:]]).T # start and stop # make a list of split up matrices Tn = [self._Tn[:,i[0]:i[1],...] for i in itr] # perform the multiprocessing T =, Tn) pool.close() pool.join() return dot_prod(T)
[docs] def show_conv_prob_vs_r(self, pin, pout): """ Compute the conversion probability as a function of distance. Works only after you have computed the transfer matrices in each domain. Parameters ---------- pin: `~numpy.ndarray` 3 x 3 matrix with initial polarization pout: `~numpy.ndarray` 3 x 3 matrix with final polarization Returns ------- Conversion probability for each energy and distance """ p_r = [] for i in range(0, self._Tn.shape[1]): if not i: p_r.append(calc_conv_prob(pin, pout, self._Tn[:, i])) else: p_r.append(calc_conv_prob(pin, pout, dot_prod(self._Tn[:, :i]))) return np.array(p_r)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # --- Global Functions ------------------------------------------------------- # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def dot_prod_numpy(T): """Calculate dot product over last two axis of a multi dimensional matrix""" # reverse along domain axis, see comment in next function return np.array([reduce(, Tn) for Tn in T[:, ::-1, ...]]) @jit(nopython=True) def dot_prod(T): """Calculate dot product over last two axis of a multi dimensional matrix""" # reverse along domain axis, see comment in next function dfT = T[:, ::-1, ...] prod_ar = np.zeros((dfT.shape[0], dfT.shape[-2], dfT.shape[-1]), dtype=np.complex128) for e in range(dfT.shape[0]): prod = dfT[e][0] for di in range(dfT[e].shape[0]-1): d = dfT[e][1+di] subprod = np.zeros(d.shape, dtype=np.complex128) for i in range(d.shape[0]): for j in range(d.shape[1]): for k in range(d.shape[1]): subprod[i, j] += prod[i, k] * d[k, j] prod = subprod prod_ar[e] = prod return prod_ar def calc_conv_prob(pin, pout, T): """ Calculate the conversion probability from an initial to a final state Parameters ---------- pin: array-like 3 x 3 matrix with initial polarization pout: array-like 3 x 3 matrix with final polarization T: array-like n x 3 x 3 complex transfer matrix for n energies Returns ------- n-dim array with conversion probabilities for each energy """ return np.squeeze(np.real(np.trace( (np.matmul(pout, # first has to be transpose and the second conjugate. # to see this for two domains, with 1 being the closest domain to the beam # (farthest away from the observer). # T = T1 T2 # what we don't want: # rfinal = T r T^dagger = T1T2 r T2^dagger T1^dagger # thus, you have to turn around the multiplication in dotProd along the domain axis, # so that T = T2 T1, and thus # rfinal = T r T^dagger = T2T1 r T1^dagger T2^dagger np.matmul(T, np.matmul(pin, np.transpose(T.conjugate(), axes = (0,2,1))) ) ) ), axis1=1, axis2=2))) def calc_lin_pol(pin, T, logger=None): """ Calculate the the linear polarization degree of the final transfer matrix Parameters ---------- pin: `~numpy.ndarray` 3 x 3 matrix with initial polarization T: `~numpy.ndarray` n x 3 x 3 complex transfer matrix for n energies Returns ------- n-dim `~numpy.ndarray` with conversion probabilities for each energy Notes ----- See Eq. (44) of Bassan et al. (2010): """ # rfinal = T^T r (T^T)^dagger = T2T1 r T1^dagger T2^dagger rfinal = np.matmul(np.transpose(T, axes=(0, 2, 1)), np.matmul(pin, T.conjugate()) ) lin_pol = np.sqrt((rfinal[:, 0, 0] - rfinal[:, 1, 1])**2. + (rfinal[:, 0, 1] + rfinal[:, 1, 0])**2.) lin_pol /= (rfinal[:, 0, 0] + rfinal[:, 1, 1]) circ_pol = np.imag(rfinal[:, 0, 1] - rfinal[:, 1, 0]) / (rfinal[:, 0, 0] + rfinal[:, 1, 1]) # need to check this: if not np.all(np.imag(lin_pol) == 0.): warnings.warn("Not all values of linear polarization are real values!") if not np.all(np.imag(circ_pol) == 0.): warnings.warn("Not all values of circular polarization are real values!") return np.real(lin_pol), np.real(circ_pol) # number should be real already, this discards the zero imaginary part